nanoCAD Platform Help

Viewports of Model Space

Model space can be separated into several rectangular non-overlapping areas called viewports.

Non-overlapping areas fill in model space and cannot be placed over each other. When starting a project, usually one viewport, filling in all the model space is used. This viewport can be separated into several viewports and different fragments of the drawing, or model views can be displayed on every viewport at the same time. The changes made in one viewport are also shown in the whole drawing (in other viewports). You can switch between viewports at any time, even whilst a command is being performed. To switch to another viewport, click at any point on the screen. The cursor is displayed in the current viewport – the common arrowhead is displayed in all the other viewports.

For every viewport you can specify the display scale, pan the viewport image independently of the other viewports, specify UCS and display the modes of grid and snap usage. You can save the setting parameters of any viewports to use them again and restore an image of any viewport.

Only one non-overlapping viewport can be printed.

Configuration of non-overlapping viewports can be different:

1 Viewport

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 0    Ribbon: View – Model Viewports – Viewport Configuration > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 1 Single

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 2   Menu: View – ViewPort > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 3 1 Viewport

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 4   Toolbar: ViewPorts > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 5

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 6 Command line: VIEWPORT_SINGLE

In Model Space: restores the configuration to one viewport (the view is taken from the last active window).

In Paper Space: creates one viewport.

2 Viewports Vertical

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 7    Ribbon: View – Model Viewports – Viewport Configuration > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 8 Two: Vertical

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 9   Menu: View – ViewPort > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 10 2 Viewports Vertical

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 11   Toolbar: ViewPorts > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 12

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 13 Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_VERTICAL

Creates a configuration of two vertical viewports.

2 Viewports Horizontal

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 14    Ribbon: View – Model Viewports – Viewport Configuration > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 15 Two: Horizontal

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 16   Menu: View – ViewPort > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 17 2 Viewports Horizontal

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 18   Toolbar: ViewPorts > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 19

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 20 Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_HORIZONTAL

Creates a configuration of two horizontal viewports.


3 Viewports

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 21 Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3

Creates a configuration of three viewports.

After starting the command, there is a prompt in the command line:

Enter an option [Horizontal/Vertical/Left/Right/Top/Bottom]<Right>

Command options:


Creates a configuration of three horizontally placed viewports.


Creates a configuration of three vertically placed viewports.


Creates a configuration of three viewports, one of which is placed to the left and the others – to the right.


Creates a configuration of three viewports, one of which is placed to the right and the others – to the left.


Creates a configuration of three viewports, one of which is placed at the top and the others – at the bottom.


Creates a configuration of three viewports, one of which is placed at the bottom and the others – at the top.

3 Viewports Horizontal

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 22    Ribbon: ViewModel ViewportsViewport Configuration > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 23 Three Viewports Horizontal

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 24    Menu: ViewViewports > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 25 3 Viewports Horizontal

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 26    Toolbar: ViewportsCAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 27

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 28  Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3_HORIZONTAL

Creates a configuration of three horizontal viewports.

3 Viewports Vertical

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 29    Ribbon: ViewModel ViewportsViewport Configuration > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 30 Three Viewports Vertical

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 31    Menu: ViewViewports > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 32 3 Viewports Vertical

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 33    Toolbar: ViewportsCAD software Viewports of Model Space 34

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 35  Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3_VERTICAL

Creates a configuration of three vertical viewports.

3 Viewports Left

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 36    Ribbon: ViewModel ViewportsViewport Configuration > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 37 Three Viewports Left

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 38    Menu: ViewViewports > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 39 3 Viewports Left

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 40    Toolbar: ViewportsCAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 41

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 42  Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3_LEFT

Creates a configuration of three viewports, one on the left and two on the right.

3 Viewports Right

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 43    Ribbon: ViewModel ViewportsViewport Configuration > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 44 Three Viewports Right

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 45    Menu: ViewViewports > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 46 3 Viewports Right

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 47    Toolbar: ViewportsCAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 48

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 49  Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3_RIGHT

Creates a configuration of three viewports, one of which is located on the right, and two on the left.

3 Viewports Top

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 50    Ribbon: ViewModel ViewportsViewport Configuration > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 51 Three Viewports Top

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 52    Menu: ViewViewports > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 53 3 Viewports Top

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 54    Toolbar: ViewportsCAD software Viewports of Model Space 55

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 56  Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3_ABOVE

Creates a configuration of three viewports, one at the top and two at the bottom.

3 Viewports Bottom

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 57    Ribbon: ViewModel ViewportViewport Configuration > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 58 Three Viewports Bottom

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 59    Menu: ViewViewports > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 60 3 Viewports Bottom

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 61    Toolbar: ViewportsCAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 62

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 63  Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_3_BELOW

Creates a configuration of three viewports, one at the bottom and two at the top.


4 Viewports

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 64    Ribbon: View – Model Viewports – Viewport Configuration > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 65 Four: Equal

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 66   Menu: View – ViewPort > CAD software Viewports of Model Space 67 4 Viewports

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 68   Toolbar: ViewPorts > CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 69

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 70 Command line: SPLITVIEWPORT_4

Creates a configuration of four similar viewports.

Named Viewports

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 71    Ribbon: View – Model Viewports –> CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 72 Named

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 73   Menu: View – Viewports > CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 74 Named Viewports

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 75    Toolbar: ViewPorts – CAD software Viewports of Model Space 76  Viewports

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 77    Toolbar: Layout – CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 78 Viewports

CAD software Viewports of Model Space 79 Command line: VIEWPORTS, VPORTS

The command opens the Viewports dialog box.

On the New Viewports tab you can create the required configuration of viewports on the standard base and save it for further usage:

CAD drawing Viewports of Model Space 80


New name:

Name of the saved configuration of viewports.

Standard viewports:

List of standard configurations of viewports.

Apply to:


Applies the selected configuration of viewports to the whole Model Space.

Current viewport

Applies the selected configuration of viewports to the current viewport.



Sets the selected configuration as the current viewport for all viewports.


Sets the selected configuration of standard model views for all viewports.


Preview of the selected configuration of viewports.

The current viewport is shown with a double frame.

Change view to:

Changes the view of the common viewport.

There are existing named views of the drawing in the drop-down list (there are additional standard model views for 3D mode).

Visual style:

Changes the visual style of the selected viewport.

The available styles in the drop-down list are:

·         *Current*

·         2D Wireframe

·         Conceptual

·         Realistic

·         Wireframe

·         Hidden

·         Shades of Gray

·         Sketchy

·         X-ray

·         Shaded with edges

·         Shaded

·         Monochrome

To change a view or a visual style for a viewport:


1.    Double click to select the viewport in the Preview window (selected object is shown with double frame).

2.    Select the required view or visual style from the drop-down list.

If a name was specified during the creation of the configuration of the viewports, the configuration will be saved as a named configuration. A named configuration of viewports can be used without preset.

The list of created and saved configurations is shown on the Named Viewports tab:

CAD drafting Viewports of Model Space 81

To create a configurations of viewports:


1.    Select a standard configuration in the New Viewports tab.

2.    In the New name enter a configuration name.

3.    Select OK.

The name of the created configuration is shown in the Named viewports section of the Named Viewports tab when the Viewports dialog is opened next time.

The Save Configuration command from the View>Viewports menu allows a name to be specified in the command line for the current configuration of viewports.

To restore a configuration of viewports:


1.    Select the required configuration in the Named viewports list (after selection, a list of viewports will be selected in the Preview window).

2.    Select OK.




1.    Start the Restore Configuration command (the View>Viewports).

2.    In the command line, type the configuration name as an answer to the prompt Enter viewport configuration name: (the list of available configurations is shown in the command line’s protocol).

3.    Press ENTER to finish the command.

To rename a configuration of viewports:


1.    Select the required configuration in the Named viewports list (after selection, a list of viewports will be selected in the Preview window).

2.    Select the Rename option from the context menu.

3.    Enter a new configuration name.

4.    Press ENTER or click on any place of the section except the renaming field to finish the command.

5.    Select OK.

To delete a configuration of viewports:


  Select the required configuration in the Named viewports list (after selection, a list of viewports will be selected in the Preview window).

2.    Select the Delete option from the context menu.

3.    Select OK.




1.    Start the Delete Configuration command (the View>Viewports).

2.    In the command line, type the configuration name as an answer to the prompt Enter viewport configuration name: (the list of available configurations is shown in the command line’s protocol).

3.    Press ENTER to finish the command.

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