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Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type

CAD drafting Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type 0    Ribbon: Raster – Trace – Trace > CAD software Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type 1 Trace Auto

CAD drawing Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type 2    Menu: Raster – Trace > CAD drafting Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type 3 Trace Auto

CAD software Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type 4 Command line: TRACEAUTO

CAD drawing Trace with Automatic Detection of Object Type 5   This functionality is available only in the Raster module

This method is used for tracing raster entities: line segments, arcs and circles.

Raster entities are raster objects that coincide in shape with basic vector objects – vector image entities (lines, arcs, circles). We will use the terms of raster circle, raster arc and raster line to mean circular, arc and line-shaped raster objects. Raster entities can also be defined as objects obtained by rasterizing the corresponding vector analogs, which happens, for example, when a vector drawing is output to a printer. It should be borne in mind that real raster entities may have defects that make it difficult to identify them by the program, for example, breaks, elliptical circles and arcs, uneven width, etc.

When tracing with automatic object detection, after specifying a point on the raster line, the program selects the type of vector object most suitable for approximating the specified raster line (line, arc or circle) and traces the specified raster object. If this object cannot be approximated by any of the above objects and its width exceeds the value set in the Max. thickness field of the Options tab, the program creates its vector contour, consisting of closed polylines.

When tracing a raster line by indication, the program determines the type of raster entity (line, arc or circle) and tries to trace the object as large as possible. In this case, the intersections of the entity with other objects are ignored and the set of points of the object is extended as long as the shape of the raster object corresponds to the recognized entity. Since real raster objects may differ from ideal raster entities, the recognition algorithm uses the Accuracy parameter, which sets the acceptable degree of mismatch between the shape of real raster objects and ideal ones.

Trace with automatic detection of the object type

·         Run the command;

·         C.lick on the raster object to be traced.

The point should be selected on the least distorted and largest segment of the raster object, outside of its intersections with other objects.

If the program recognizes a raster entity, then it will be traced with the most suitable vector object.

If the specified object is not a raster line, arc, or circle, a vector contour approximating it will be created. The graphics editor distinguishes raster lines.

Info: NanoCAD is a user friendly, affordable, and yet professional, CAD freeware tool for personal computer, that allows a great user experience by providing enhanced performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industrial purposes. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drawing and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our software provides innovative, collaborative and customizable features to raise your efficiency, and includes a few API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD application development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and buy later, if you like it.
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