nanoCAD Platform Help

Saving a Block in a Separate File

CAD drafting Saving a Block in a Separate File 0    Ribbon: Insert – Block Definition > CAD software Saving a Block in a Separate File 1 Write Block

CAD drawing Saving a Block in a Separate File 2 Command line: WBLOK, ACADWBLOCKDIALOG, W

The command allows you to save in a separate file:

·         a whole drawing with all changes made;

·         a block contained in a drawing;

·         separate fragments of a drawing.

Starting the WBLOCK command opens the Write block dialog box:

CAD drafting Saving a Block in a Separate File 3




Turns on the mode for selecting from the drop-down list the block to be saved contained in the drawing.

Pay attention: If there is not a single block in the drawing, the option is disabled.

Entire drawing

Turns on the mode for saving the entire drawing in a separate file.


Turns on the mode for saving objects selected in the current drawing in a separate file.

Base point

CAD software Saving a Block in a Separate File 4 Pick point

Button that temporary closes the dialog box so that you can specify the base point on the screen by the mouse cursor.

X: Y: Z:

Enters base point coordinates.


CAD drawing Saving a Block in a Separate File 5 Select objects

Button that temporary closes the dialog box so that you can select objects on the screen by the mouse cursor.


Turns on the mode for retaining the selected objects in the drawing after they are saved in a separate file.

Convert to block

Turns on the mode for creating a block reference in place of the selected objects after they are saved in a separate file.

Delete from drawing

Turns on the mode for deleting the selected objects from the drawing after they are saved in a separate file.

Objects selected:

Displays the information on the number of objects selected for saving.


File name and path:

Button CAD drafting Saving a Block in a Separate File 6 opens the Save Document dialog box to specify the path, name and format of file to be saved.

Insert units

Drop-down list for selecting measurement units for the file being saved.

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