nanoCAD Platform Help

Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes

CAD drafting Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 0    Ribbon: View – Coordinates > CAD software Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 1 CAD drawing Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 2 CAD drafting Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 3

CAD software Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 4    Menu: Tools – Coordinate System > CAD drawing Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 5 UCS by X, CAD drafting Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 6 UCS by Y, CAD software Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 7 UCS by Z

CAD drawing Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 8    Toolbar: UCS – CAD drafting Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 9 CAD software Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 10 CAD drawing Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 11

CAD drafting Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 12 Command line: UCSX, UCSY, UCSZ

Rotating the current user coordinate system around the specified axis.

CAD software Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 13

Rotate UCS around X axis

CAD drawing Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 14

Rotate UCS around Y axis

CAD drafting Rotating UCS Around X, Y or Z Axes 15

Rotate UCS around Z axis

To rotate the current UCS around the specified axis:


1.    Select the command to rotate around the desired axis.

2.    Specify the rotation angle in the command line or on the screen.