nanoCAD Platform Help

Options Tab

To optimally configure the raster entities recognition algorithms on a certain raster image, you can use information on measurement values of raster objects in the Options tab.

CAD drafting Options Tab 0

Options tab

Options values can be entered from the keyboard or measured on the screen.

Measuring option value on the screen

Click the button located next to the corresponding dialog field (CAD software Options Tab 1 or CAD drawing Options Tab 2).

Specify two points in the image.

In the process of measurement, the program draws a “rubber” line connecting the specified points, therefore, in the text below the process of measurement in the image will be defined by the draw a line term. At the end of the measurement, the value is entered into the corresponding field.

Raster vectorization options



Min. Length

Specifies the minimum length of a raster fragment that should be recognized as a line, circle or arc during vectorization.

Set the value of this parameter equal to the length of the shortest raster line or the diameter of the smallest raster circle (arc). When measuring in the image, draw a line along the smallest raster line, arc or circle. Min. Length value will be equal to the length of the drawn line.

Max. Thickness

Specifies the maximum thickness of a raster object that should be recognized as a line, arc or polyline.

Set this value to slightly larger than the maximum thickness of the raster line to be vectorized using the Lines, Arcs and Circles or Polylines algorithms.

If the program does not vectorize raster lines, circles, arcs of the image, increase the value of this option. If the program does not approximate filled raster areas with boundary objects, reduce the value of this option.

When measuring distances in the image, the measurement (“rubber”) line should be drawn perpendicular to the thickest raster line, which should be recognized using Lines or Arcs algorithm or approximate using the Polylines algorithm. The measured value will be equal to the length of the part of the drawn line that passes along the raster line.

Max. Break

Specifies the maximum length acceptable for ignored raster lines break.

If a line (arc) in the image is split into two parts, and you need to vectorize this line (arc) as a single vector object, set the option value, which exceeds the distance between these two parts. The break will be eliminated, and the parts of the vector line (arc) will be connected.

When measuring in an image, draw a line along the largest break in the raster line (arc). This value will be equal to the length of the part of the drawn line that passes along the break.

Arrow size

Specifies the width and length of the object to be recognized as an arrow at the ends of the line. To determine the arrow dimensions, enter values in the field, separated by commas, or click the button and draw a rectangle that delimits the arrow.

Text height

Set this value equal to the maximum height of upper case raster text characters.

When measuring in the image, draw a line over the raster text. The Text Height value will be equal to the distance between the first and last image points that fall on the drawn line.


Info: NanoCAD is a user friendly, low cost, and yet professional, CAD platform for PC, that provides an outstanding user experience by providing top-level performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all engineering purposes. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drafting and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our software ensures creative, collaborative and customizable features to boost your efficiency, and includes a few API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD application development. You may download nanoCad for free, using the links below, and buy later, if you like it.
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