nanoCAD Platform Help

Modular Program Configuration

In addition to the main functionality, nanoCAD includes several independently licensed built-in modules:

·         The Construction module. The module allows you to quickly and accurately draw up design documentation in accordance with the general technical requirements of regulatory documents used in the construction industry. Plans, elevations, cuts, sections, views, units and other drawings are made “on-the-fly” using tools that create dynamic “smart” drawings.

·         The Mechanica module. The module is intended for the design of engineering products and execution of design and technological documentation in full compliance with the requirements of major international standards. The availability of parametric objects and middle-level computer-aided design tools make this software solution one of the most convenient tools for creating and designing drawings.

·         The Raster module expands the capabilities of the work with various raster images, including scanned documents – drawings, plans, diagrams, etc. Basic configuration of nanoCAD provides the possibility to use such kind of data only as an underlay, accompanying it with a set of several tools for 4-point correction, alignment, cropping and setting the parameters for displaying raster images. The Raster Editing module includes a wide range of tools for improving the quality of images, their transformation, intellectual analysis and editing, extracting semantic information (vectorization), semi-automatic tracing of vector entities and text recognition, as well as rasterization of an arbitrary type of data supported by nanoCAD.

·         The 3D module on the C3D core, which includes the functionality of 2D and 3D Constraints. The module allows using 3D design tools to form complex 3D scenes of any geometric shape. Using the section function, you can get automatically updated 2D views.

·         The Topoplan module is designed to create a digital terrain model and prepare a drawing for the release of topographic plans.
The module includes support for Civil 3D objects. If you open a drawing containing such objects, they will be displayed as drawing objects (and not as proxy graphics), their properties will be displayed, styles can be switched, and style elements can be controlled.

During the trial period, all modules are available. At the end of the trial period, to activate any module, you should obtain the appropriate license.


Installment of external applications

In addition, external applications designed for a specific version can simply be installed additionally to the already used nanoCAD.


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