nanoCAD Platform Help

Infinite Lines

Lines, infinite in one or both directions, are called rays and construction lines. These lines can be used as auxiliary lines to create objects. It is recommended to create auxiliary on a separate layer, which can be frozen or made unprintable. Auxiliary lines can be edited; copied, replaced, and rotated.


CAD drafting Infinite Lines 0    Ribbon: Home, Draw – Draw > CAD software Infinite Lines 1 Ray

CAD drawing Infinite Lines 2   Menu: Draw – CAD drafting Infinite Lines 3 Ray

CAD software Infinite Lines 4   Toolbar: Draw – CAD drawing Infinite Lines 5

CAD drafting Infinite Lines 6 Command line: RAY

This command creates a ray – starting in a point and a semi-infinite construction line. The direction of ray is specified by the second point. The command prompt Specify through point: repeats to create several rays. Origin point is the same for all created rays.

Command prompts:

Specify start point:

Specify start point.

Specify through point:

Specify second point.

Specify through point:

Specify second point of the next rayor press ENTER to finish the command.

Attention: If in response to prompt to enter the first point of line you press ENTER or SPACE, the line will be built starting from the endpoint of the last created line, polyline or arc. If arc or polyline arc segment was the last created object, the line is built tangent to arc or arc segment.

Construction Line

CAD software Infinite Lines 7    Ribbon: Home, Draw – Draw > CAD drawing Infinite Lines 8 Construction line

CAD drafting Infinite Lines 9   Menu: Draw – CAD software Infinite Lines 10 Construction Line

CAD drawing Infinite Lines 11   Toolbar: Draw – CAD drafting Infinite Lines 12

CAD software Infinite Lines 13 Command line: XL, XLINE

This command creates an infinite construction line. The direction of construction line is specified by the second point (origin point is the same for all created lines). The command prompt Specify through point: repeats to create several lines.

Command options:


Creation of an infinite line through the specified point and parallel X axis.


Creation of an infinite line through the specified point and parallel Y axis.


Creation of an infinite line through the specified point with specified angle to X-axis or selected linear object.

Command prompts:

Enter angle of xline (0) or [Reference]:


Angle - Enter angle value

Reference - select linear object. Angle will be calculated related to this object countclockwise.


Creation of an infinite bisector line through vertex of an angle.


Creation of an infinite line parallel selected object with specified offset.

Command prompts:

Specify offset distance [Through/]


Offset distance – distance between xline and selected object

Through – drawing xline through specified point and parallel selected linear object.


Command prompts for drawing xline through point:

Specify start point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset/]:

Specify start point.

Specify through point:

Specify second point.

Specify through point:


Command prompts for drawing xline parallel axis:

Specify start point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset/]:

Specify through point:

Specify through point:



Command prompts for drawing xline with specified angle:

Specify start point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset/]:

Enter angle of xline (0) or [Reference]:

Specify through point:


If you selected Reference option:

Select a line object or [?/]:

Enter angle of xline (0) or [Reference]:

Specify through point:



Command prompts for drawing bisector xline:

Specify start point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset/]:

Specify angle vertex point:

Specify angle start point:

Specify angle end point:



Command prompts for xline parallel linear object:

Specify start point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset/]:


Specify offset distance [Through/] <Through>

Select a line object or [?/]:


Specify side to offset:


If Through option is selected:

Select a line object or [?/]:

Specify through point:

Specify next point or press ESC to finish the command.



Select Hor or Ver.


Specify point.

Specify next point or press ESC to finish the command.




Select Ang.


Enter angle value, press ENTER


Specify point.


Select line.


Enter angle value, press ENTER

Specify point.





Select Bisect.


Specify angle vertex point.

Specify angle start point.

Specify angle end point, press ENTER.





Select Offset.



Specify offset distance for xline.


Select line.

Specify side to offset.



Select line.

Specify point for xline, press ENTER.



Info: NanoCAD is a simple, inexpensive, and yet professional, CAD app for PC, that delivers an outstanding user experience by providing high performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all engineering purposes. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drawing and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our freeware supports progressive, collaborative and customizable features to boost your efficiency, and includes a few API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD software development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, in case you like it.
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