Work with MS Excel
Work with MS Excel
Ribbon: Annotation – Tables –
Import table from Excel
Menu: Draw – Table >
Import Table
Toolbars: Tables, Utilities –
The command transfers data from an open worksheet in MS Excel:
1. In the open Excel list, select the cell data from which it is required to import to the nanoCAD table.
2. Click the Import table from Excel button in the Table Edit dialog box.
3. The data will be transferred into the table.
Ribbon: Annotation – Tables –
Export table to Excel
Menu: Draw – Table >
Export Table
Toolbars: Tables, Utilities –
The command is intended for transferring tabular data to MS Excel. After running the command, a new Excel workbook opens and all table data is transferred to it, preserving the cell formatting set in the table.
note! The following data are not exported to Excel from the nanoCAD tables:
- nanoCAD blocks;
- Formatted text;
- Expression mismatched Excel format.