nanoCAD Platform Help

Formation of a Legend

Forming a Legend

CAD drafting Formation of a Legend 0   Ribbon: TopoplanTexturing and Calculation> CAD software Formation of a Legend 1 Formation of a Legend

CAD drawing Formation of a Legend 2   Menu: TopoplanCalculations > CAD drafting Formation of a Legend 3 Formation of a Legend

CAD software Formation of a Legend 4   Toolbar: Texturing and Calculation> CAD drawing Formation of a Legend 5 Formation of a Legend

CAD drafting Formation of a Legend 6 Command line: NG_PAINT_ELEVATION_LEGEND


The Formation of a Legend command outputs a legend into the drawing in the form of a dwg table for the selected network, colored by height.

CAD software Formation of a Legend 7


Command prompts:

Select objects or [?]:

Select the mesh you want to create a legend for.

Specify first corner

Specify the first corner of the table in the drawing.

Specify second corner

Specify the second corner of the table in the drawing.