nanoCAD Platform Help

Find and Replace Text

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 0    Menu: Edit –CAD software Find and Replace Text 1 Find and Replace …

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 2    Toolbar: Text – CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 3

CAD software Find and Replace Text 4    Context menu of drawing CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 5 Find and Replace

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 6 Hot keys: CTRL+F

CAD software Find and Replace Text 7 Command line: FIND

The Find and Replace command is used to find text in the document.

You can also start the command from the context menu:

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 8

Start the command to open the Find and Replace dialog box:

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 9 


Find what:

In the Find what field, type the text to be searched for.

Replace with:

In the Replace with field, type the text that is required to replace the found lines.

Look in

Set the Look in parameter.

The following options are available:

·         In whole document

·         In current space

·         In current selection

Click the icon  to open the Quick selection dialog box.

Find options

CAD software Find and Replace Text 10 or CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 11

This icon maximizes/minimizes the options list.

Match case:

If this is checked, the search is made to match the case of the letters.

Match whole word:

If this is checked, the search is made for whole words; that is letter combinations separated by stops or spaces.

Search in found:

This option is accessible after the line search has been made. It restricts the search range.

Use extended options:

To search in the object database. The option is available when searching the object database of some vertical applications.

Click the CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 12 button opposite the parameter and in the window that appears, select advanced search areas.

This option is accessible when searching in the objectsbase..

Use regular expressions

Enables/Disables the mode for specifying search patterns using regular expressions.

Regular expressions can be entered independently or using a list. The CAD software Find and Replace Text 13 button opens a window for selecting the required expression from the list:

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 14

When you place the cursor on a list line, a tooltip appears with a detailed explanation.

You can use multiple regular expressions together.

An expression is entered in the search field by left-clicking on the expression from the list.

Multi-line text:

Switches on/off the multi-line text search mode.

When the mode is on, the Find what and the Replace with fields take the form:

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 15

Search in hidden objects

Searches text in hidden objects.

Search in blocks

Searches text in blocks.

CAD software Find and Replace Text 16

Starts the search procedure.

The search result will be shown in the table:

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 17

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 18

Replaces all found fragments with the new value.

CAD software Find and Replace Text 19

Starts the process of consecutive replacement of the found fragments.

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 20

Passes the next found fragment in the list without replacing it with the new value.

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 21 Clear All:

Click this icon to clear the list of found text fragments.

CAD software Find and Replace Text 22 Group results by objects:

Click this icon to group results by objects.

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 23 Show object:

Click this icon to show the selected text fragment in the table on the drawing or in the database of objects.

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 24 Edit object:

Click this icon to open the Text settings dialog box to edit the found text fragment on the drawing.

note: Left-click on the headings of the table columns of the search results to sort the found text fragments:

CAD software Find and Replace Text 25

CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 26

To find and edit the text fragment on the drawing:


1.    Click the Find and Replace command in the context menu.

2.    Type the text, for example, maximum, into the Find what field.

3.    Click the button CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 27.

4.    Select the required line in the table of search results:

CAD software Find and Replace Text 28

5.    Double click on the required line, or click the Show object CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 29 icon, or select the Show object command from context menu:

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 30

6.    As a result, there is auto-panning of the found fragment that contains the selected text on the drawing:

CAD software Find and Replace Text 31

7.    Click the Edit object CAD drawing Find and Replace Text 32 icon or select the Edit object command from the context menu to open the Text settings dialog box:

CAD drafting Find and Replace Text 33

8.    Type the required changes and click OK.

Info: NanoCAD is an easy-to-use, low cost, and yet powerful, CAD program for PC, that provides a great user experience by providing top-level performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industries. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D design and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our tool provides groundbreaking, collaborative and customizable features to raise your efficiency, and includes a number of API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD software development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, in case you like it.
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