nanoCAD Platform Help

File Explorer

CAD drafting File Explorer 0    Ribbon: Manage – Palettes >CAD software File Explorer 1 File explorer

CAD drawing File Explorer 2    Menu: Tools – CAD drafting File Explorer 3 File Explorer

CAD software File Explorer 4    Menu: View – Toolbars – Functional – CAD drawing File Explorer 5 FileExplorer

CAD drafting File Explorer 6    Toolbar: Main – CAD software File Explorer 7

CAD drawing File Explorer 8 Command line: FILEEXPLORER, ADCENTER

File Explorer is association of Windows explorer and drawing definition table. Drawing definition table is tables of layers, layouts, external references, block definitions, linetypes, text styles, and dimension styles.

File explorer displays only the following files:

·         drawing files – dwg, dxf, dwt;

·         underlay files – dwf, dwfx, pdf;

·         raster image files – jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, pcx, tiff.

File explorer not display files with other types.

Note: File explorer need more horizontal area than other functional toolbars. 

CAD drafting File Explorer 9

The File Explorer window has a built-in toolbar located below the window title.

Toolbar button:

CAD software File Explorer 10

Selects a file in the tree, but using the Open dialog box.

CAD drawing File Explorer 11

Moves to the previous state of the window.

CAD drafting File Explorer 12

Moves to the next state of the window (according to the list of previously made transitions).

CAD software File Explorer 13

Moves to the folder marked as primary (home).

CAD drawing File Explorer 14

Moves to the Favorites folder.

CAD drafting File Explorer 15

Moves up one level in the tree.

CAD software File Explorer 16

Menu to set up the list display in the right area of the window (Large icons, Small icons, List, Details).

The central part of the window is a moving vertical line (splitter) divided into two parts. Left part (Folders) displays folders tree of current user. Right part displays content of selected tree node. Right part divided into three parts: full list of elements, description of selected element and image of selected element. Every element type has own icon.

Right part of dialog box shows the following elements: Folder, Drawing file, Underlay file, Raster image file, definitions table (Layers, Blocks, Text styles, Linetypes, Dimstyles, Layouts, XRefs), named object (Layer, Block definition, Text style, Linetype, Dimstyle, Layout, XRef).


Actions on elements from the right part of File Explorer: Drag&drop, double click, right click. Sometimes multiple preselection is available (with SHIFT and CTRL).

This makes it easy to copy definition table elements from one drawing to another

Drag and drop is used for the following elements:

Type of element




Blocks (CAD drawing File Explorer 17)

Copy block definition to the current drawing. Multiple selection is available. Does not copy if block with the same name exists in current drawing.

CAD drafting File Explorer 18 Visual Style

The visual style is copied to the current drawing. If a style with the same name already exists in the current drawing, it is not copied.

Dimstyles (CAD software File Explorer 19)

Copy dimension style to the current drawing. Multiple selection is available. Does not copy if dimstyle with the same name exists in current drawing.

Layers (CAD drawing File Explorer 20)

Copy layer to the current drawing. Multiple selection is available. Does not copy if layer with the same name exists in current drawing.

CAD drafting File Explorer 21 Multileader style

The multileader style is copied to the current drawing. If a style with the same name already exists in the current drawing, it is not copied.

CAD software File Explorer 22 Table Style

The table style is copied to the current drawing. If a style with the same name already exists in the current drawing, it is not copied.

Textstyles (CAD drawing File Explorer 23)

Copy text style to the current drawing. Multiple selection of styles is available. Does not copy if text style with the same name exists in current drawing.

Linetypes (CAD drafting File Explorer 24)

Copy line type to the current drawing. Multiple selection is available. Does not copy if line type with the same name exists in current drawing.



Material (CAD software File Explorer 25)

The Material is copied to the current drawing. Multiple choice of materials is possible. The new Materials appear in the Materials Browser. If a Material with the same name already exists in the current drawing, it is not copied.

Double click is used for the following elements:

Type of element


Folder (CAD drawing File Explorer 26)

Transition into the folder.

Drawing file (CAD drafting File Explorer 27)

Open list of named objects definitions.

Underlay file (CAD software File Explorer 28)

Open the Insert underlay dialog.

Raster (CAD drawing File Explorer 29)

Open Insert Raster image dialog box.

Named objects definition (CAD drafting File Explorer 30, CAD software File Explorer 31, CAD drawing File Explorer 32, CAD drafting File Explorer 33, CAD software File Explorer 34, CAD drawing File Explorer 35, CAD drafting File Explorer 36, CAD software File Explorer 37, CAD drawing File Explorer 38, CAD drafting File Explorer 39, CAD software File Explorer 40, CAD drawing File Explorer 41, CAD drafting File Explorer 42)

Open content of named objects definition.

Layers (CAD software File Explorer 43)

Copy layer to the current drawing. Does not copy if layer with the same name exists in current drawing.


Block (CAD drawing File Explorer 44)

Copy block definition to the current drawing. Does not copy if block with the same name exists in current drawing.

Textstyles (CAD drafting File Explorer 45)

Copy text style to the current drawing. Does not copy if text style with the same name exists in current drawing.

Linetypes (CAD software File Explorer 46)

Copy line type to the current drawing. Does not copy if line type with the same name exists in current drawing.

Dimstyles (CAD drawing File Explorer 47)

Copy dimension style to the current drawing. Does not copy if dimstyle with the same name exists in current drawing.

Layout (CAD drafting File Explorer 48)

Copy layout to the current drawing. Correct the layout if list with the same name exists in current drawing.

XRefs (CAD software File Explorer 49)

Open Insert External reference dialog box.

Material (CAD drawing File Explorer 50)

The Material is copied to the current drawing. Multiple choice of materials is possible. The new Materials appear in the Materials Browser. If a Material with the same name already exists in the current drawing, it is not copied.


Following elements contain context menu:

Element type

Context menu commands

Folder (CAD drafting File Explorer 51)

Explore – transition into the folder;

Set as Home – selected folder becomes a Home (main) folder.

Add to Favorites – adding a link to the selected folder to the Favorites folder.

Organize Favorites – opens the Favorites folder in Windows explorer, which allows for a wide range of actions with files.

Drawing file (CAD software File Explorer 52)

Explore – transition into list of named objects definitions;

Attach as XRef… – open Insert External reference dialog box;

Open… – open selected file;

Insert as Block… – open Insert Block dialog box;

Create tool set – a tool set is created from all blocks of this file;

Set as Home – selected file becomes a home (main) folder.

Add to Favorites – adding a link to the selected file to the Favorites folder.

Organize Favorites – opens the Favorites folder in Windows explorer, which allows for a wide range of actions with files.

Underlay (CAD drawing File Explorer 53)

Insert underlay…– open Insert Underlay dialog box.

Add to Favorites – adding a link to the selected file to the Favorites folder.

Organize Favorites – opens the Favorites folder in Windows explorer, which allows for a wide range of actions with files.

Raster Image (CAD drafting File Explorer 54)

Attach raster … – open Insert Raster Image dialog box.

Add to Favorites – adding a link to the selected file to the Favorites folder.

Organize Favorites – opens the Favorites folder in Windows explorer, which allows for a wide range of actions with files.

Named objects definition (CAD software File Explorer 55, CAD drawing File Explorer 56, CAD drafting File Explorer 57, CAD software File Explorer 58, CAD drawing File Explorer 59, CAD drafting File Explorer 60, CAD software File Explorer 61)

Explore – open content of named objects definition.

Create tool set – a tool set is created from all blocks of this file (only for table of blocks).

Layers (CAD drawing File Explorer 62)

Add layer(s) – copy layer to the current drawing. Does not copy if layer with the same name exists in current drawing.

Blocks (CAD drafting File Explorer 63)

Insert Block(s) – open Insert Block dialog box.

Textstyles (CAD software File Explorer 64)

Add Textstyle(s) – copy text style to the current drawing. Does not copy if text style with the same name exists in current drawing.

Linetypes (CAD drawing File Explorer 65)

Add Linetype(s) – copy line type to the current drawing. Does not copy if line type with the same name exists in current drawing.

Dimstyles (CAD drafting File Explorer 66)

Add Dimstyle(s) – copy dimension style to the current drawing. Does not copy if dimstyle with the same name exists in current drawing.

Layouts (CAD software File Explorer 67)

Add Layout(s) – copy layout to the current drawing. Correct the layout if list with the same name exists in current drawing.

XRefs (CAD drawing File Explorer 68)

Attach … – open Insert External reference dialog box

Material (CAD drafting File Explorer 69)

Add – the selected materials are copied into the current drawing, the names of which do not repeat the names of already existing materials in the current drawing. The new materials appear in the Materials Browser.

File Explorer Toolbar

File Explorer dialog box contains toolbar placed under window title.

Toolbar buttons:



CAD software File Explorer 70

Select file in a tree with Open dialog box.

CAD drawing File Explorer 71

Returns to the most recent location.

CAD drafting File Explorer 72

Returns to the next later location.

CAD software File Explorer 73

Returns to your home (main) folder.

CAD drawing File Explorer 74

Transfer to the Favorites folder.

CAD drafting File Explorer 75

Returns to one level above the current folder.

CAD software File Explorer 76

Select display formats for the content that is loaded in the right area (Large icons, Small icons, List, Details).

Toolbar contains context menu that is identical to View > Toolbars:


Context menu command

CAD drawing File Explorer 77 Customize…

Open Customize dialog box.

CAD drafting File Explorer 78nanoCAD Toolbars

Show/hide nanoCAD toolbars.

CAD software File Explorer 79 Set configuration file…

Calls the Configuration files dialog box.


Submenu of loading and uploading of tool palettes.


Show/hide functional toolbars.


Info: NanoCAD is an easy-to-use, low cost, and yet powerful, CAD program for personal computer, that provides an outstanding user experience by providing top-level performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industries. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drafting and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our program provides progressive, collaborative and customizable features to boost your efficiency, and includes a few API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD software development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, if you like it.
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