nanoCAD Platform Help

External References Control (Classic Version)


CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 0 Command line: CLASSICXREF CLASSICIMAGE

The command opens the classic version of the External References dialog, which is used for compatibility with previous versions of the program:

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 1

ATTENTION! In Edit References mode (REFEDIT) opening of External references dialog is blocked.

The dialog box displays information about the references to the inserted drawings as well as for the raster images.

The dialog box contains the tool buttons and two sections: External References and Details. Both panes are working in the double data display mode.

The External References pane can display information about references in a list structure (the CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 2 Show List button) or in a tree structure (the CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 3 Show tree button). The list view is set by default in the window.

The Details pane displays the properties of the references selected in the upper section in the list view (the CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 4 Show properties button) or displays the content of the selected reference in a preview window (the CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 5 Show preview button).

Parameters of the References window in a Table mode:



Displays the name of the external reference file


Displays the status of the external reference file:

·         Loaded   – the referenced file is attached to the current drawing.

·         Unloaded          – the referenced file is marked to be unloaded from the drawing.

·         Not found         – the referenced file no longer exists in the valid search path.

·         Unresolved       – the referenced file cannot be read.

·         Orphaned         – the referenced file is attached to another file that has an Unresolved status.


Displays the size of the attached referenced file.


*.dwg files display the file type of the referenced file:

·         Attachments

·         Overlays

Raster images display their file format:

·         TIFF

·         BMP

·         JPG

·         JPEG

·         PNG

·         PCX


The date when the referenced file was created or last saved.

Saved Path

Displays the path that is saved with the drawing when the referenced file is attached.

Left double click on separator of column names changes the width of columns automatically.


CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 6

Unload XRef

Unloads the selected file references from the drawing.

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 7

Reload XRef

Reloads the selected file references to the drawing.

CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 8

Detach XRef

Detaches the selected file references.

CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 9

Save XRef

Changes the selected raster image references. It is possible to change the reference file name, file type and file format.

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 10

Open from

Changes the full path to the selected reference. When you click this button the dialog window opens and you can select another path or external reference name.

CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 11

Embed image

Embeds raster images to the document. Such image saved in the document, not in separate file.

CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 12

Show list

Displays the references information in the list view.

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 13

Show tree

Displays the references information in the tree view.

When the External References pane is set to the list view, it is possible to select several references:

·         when the SHIFT key is pressed, then all references located between the first and last click will be selected;

·         when the CTRL key is pressed, you can select any references from the list by clicking.

When the External References pane is set to the tree view, a tree structure of all external references along with their levels of nesting within the drawing will be displayed.


CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 14

It is possible to select only one file reference in the tree view of the External References pane.

The options of the Details pane in the list view:



Displays the name of the external reference file.


Displays the status of the external reference file:

·         Loaded – the referenced file is attached to the current drawing.

·         Unloaded – the referenced file is marked to be unloaded from the drawing.

·         Not Found – the referenced file no longer exists in the valid search path.


Displays the size of the attached referenced file.

The size of the attached referenced file doesn’t display when the reference has the status:

·         Unloaded

·         Not Found


*.dwg files display the file type of the referenced file:

·         Attachment

·         Overlay

Raster images display their file format:

·         TIFF

·         BMP

·         JPG

·         JPEG

·         PNG

·         PCX


Color information of raster.


Resolution of raster (points per inch).

Pixel Width

Width of raster, pxl.

Pixel Height

Height of raster, pxl.


The date when the referenced file was created or last saved.

The date doesn’t display when referenced file has the status:

·         Unloaded

·         Not Found

Saved Path

Displays the path of the referenced file.

note! The saved path does not necessarily indicate the present file location.

Found at

Displays the path where the external reference file is located.

This place is the actual file location.

note! The full path and saved path may be different.


Color information of raster.


Resolution of raster (points per inch).

Pixel Width

Width of raster, pxl.

Pixel Height

Height of raster, pxl.


CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 15

Show properties

Displays the properties of the selected referenced file in the list view.

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 16

Show preview

Displays contents of the selected referenced file in the preview window.

Context menu

The following context menu commands are available for the xref selected in the dialog box:

CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 17

Xref Type

Change xref type:

·         Attach

·         Overlay

Change Path Type

Changes the type of path to the xref:

·         Make Absolute

·         Make Relative

·         Remove Pathe

Select New Path

Searches for a new path for not found xref file. Opens the External reference selection box to specify a new path.

Find and replace

Allows you to fund among the selected xrefs the ones that use the specified path and replace all references of this path to a new path. Opens the Find and Replace Selected Paths dialog.

CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 18

The context menu that opens when you right-click on the xref name on the Drawing Explorer palette, contains the following commands:

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 19

Insert – opens the Insert external reference dialog box with the name of existing external reference to re-insert or to select a file of a different xref file.

Open – opens the referenced drawing in a new window.

Change of an External Reference to a Raster Image

To change reference to the image:


1.    In the External References dialog box, select the reference to the image in the list.

2.    Click the Save CAD drawing External References Control (Classic Version) 20 button.

3.    In the opened Save Image File dialog box, specify the file name and file type:

CAD drafting External References Control (Classic Version) 21

4.    Click the Options button.

5.    In the TIFF Options dialog box, set the necessary parameters:

CAD software External References Control (Classic Version) 22

6.    Click OK.

7.    Click Save.


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