nanoCAD Platform Help


System variable PELLIPSE controls the type of newly created ellipses.

·         The variable value PELLIPSE = 0 creates a true ellipse.

·         The variable value PELLIPSE = 1 creates a 2D polyline representation of ellipse from arc segments.

Ellipse by Semi-axes

CAD drafting Ellipse 0    Ribbon: Home, Draw – Draw > CAD software Ellipse 1 By Semi-axes

CAD drawing Ellipse 2   Menu: Draw – Ellipse By > CAD drafting Ellipse 3 Semi-axes

CAD software Ellipse 4   Toolbar: Draw – CAD drawing Ellipse 5

CAD drafting Ellipse 6 Command line: ELLIPSE1

The command creates an ellipse by center and radiuses.

Command options:


Relation between ellipse axes by rotation around first axis.

CAD software Ellipse 7

Command prompts:

Specify center point for ellipse:

Specify center point for ellipse (point 1).

Specify endpoint of axis:

Specify first radius (point 2).

Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:

Specify second radius (point 3). 

Ellipse by Axis and Semi-axis

CAD drawing Ellipse 8    Ribbon: Home, Draw – Draw > CAD drafting Ellipse 9 By Axis and Semi-axis

CAD software Ellipse 10   Menu: Draw – Ellipse By > CAD drawing Ellipse 11 Axis and Semi-axis

CAD drafting Ellipse 12   Toolbar: Draw – CAD software Ellipse 13

CAD drawing Ellipse 14 Command line: ELLIPSE2, ELLIPSEBYDIAMETER

The command creates an ellipse by axis and semi-axis.

Command options:


Relation between ellipse axes by rotation around first axis.


CAD drafting Ellipse 15

Command prompts:

Specify axis endpoint of ellipse:

Specify point 1.

Specify other axis endpoint of ellipse:

Specify diameter of ellipse (point 2).

Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:

Specify radius of ellipse (point 3).

Elliptic Arc

CAD software Ellipse 16    Ribbon: Home, Draw – Draw > CAD drawing Ellipse 17 Elliptical Arc

CAD drafting Ellipse 18   Menu: Draw – Ellipse By > CAD software Ellipse 19 Elliptic Arc

CAD drawing Ellipse 20   Toolbar: Draw – CAD drafting Ellipse 21

CAD software Ellipse 22 Command line: ELLIPTICARC

Command options:


Center of elliptic arc.


Relation between ellipse axes by rotation around the first axis


Select Parameter when specifying the start and end points of the elliptic arc to create an elliptic arc according to the parameter vector:

p(u) = c + a* cos(u) + b* sin(u), where

c – ellipse center;

a – major axis;

b -  minor axis.

Inner angle

Inner angle of the elliptic arc; specified relative to the origin angle.


Switch to the arc creation mode by specified angles.

CAD drawing Ellipse 23

Command prompts:

Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center]:

Specify point 1.

Specify other axis endpoint of elliptical arc:

Specify length of ellipse axis (point 2).

Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:

Specify length of another axis (point 3).

Specify start angle or [Parameter]:

Specify start angle (point 4).

Specify end angle or [Parameter/Inner angle]:

Specify end angle (point 5).

Creation of Ellipses and Elliptic Arcs with One Command

CAD drafting Ellipse 24 Command line: EL, ELLIPSE

Universal command allows you to create ellipses by center, minor and major axes, and create elliptic arcs.

Command options:


Switches to the mode of elliptic arc creation.


Center of ellipse.


Creates ellipse by rotating a circle about the first axis.

Command options of the creation of elliptic arc mode:


Center of elliptic arc.


Relation between ellipse axes by rotation around the first axis.


Select Parameter when specifying the start and end points of the elliptic arc to create an elliptic arc according to the parameter vector:

p(u) = c + a* cos(u) + b* sin(u), where

c – ellipse center;

a – major axis;

b –  minor axis.

Inner angle

Inner angle of the elliptic arc; specified relative to the origin angle.


Switch to the arc creation mode by specified angles.

Creation of Isocircle and Isoarc

Creating circle and arc in the current isoplane.

In the commands for creating an ellipse, the Isocircle and Isoarc options are available only when the isometric mode is enabled: the Isometric snap type set in the Grid snap of the drafting settings.



1.    Enable the isometric mode.

2.    Select the command to create an ellipse.

3.    Upon the command line prompt: Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center/Isocircle]: - select Isocircle.

Command prompts

Specify center of isocircle:

Specify center of isocircle.

Specify radius of isocircle or [Diameter]


Specify the value of semi-axis or select Diameter and specify its value.




1.    Enable the isometric mode.

2.    Select the Elliptical Arc CAD software Ellipse 25 Command.

When selecting the Arc option in the universal command in response to the command line prompt: Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center/Isocircle]: - select Arc

Command prompts

Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center/Isoarc]:

Select Isoarc.

Specify center of isocircle:

Specify the center point.

Specify radius of isocircle or [Diameter]:

Specify the value of semi-axis or select Diameter and specify its value.

Specify start angle or [Parameter]:

Specify a start angle.

Specify end angle or [Parameter/Inner angle]:

Specify an end angle.

Info: NanoCAD is a simple, inexpensive, and yet professional, CAD application for Windows, that allows an outstanding user experience by providing enhanced performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all engineering purposes. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drawing and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our freeware ensures innovative, collaborative and customizable features to enhance your efficiency, and includes a few API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD software development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, if you like it.
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