nanoCAD Platform Help

Edit Label Styles of Geopoints

Editing Label Styles of Geopoints

Editing label styles is started by a double clicking the desired label style of a geopoint in the Drawing Explorer. The options are set in the Properties bar.

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Whether the leader line should be visible after being dragged from its original position.

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Leader type

Leader line shape: straight or spline.

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Leader color

Color of the leader.

Leader linetype

Linetype of the leader.

Leader lineweight

Lineweight of the leader.

Components display

Determines how the label’s contents are displayed after being dragged from the default position.

Configuration Preserved: Labels retain their initial layout and orientation settings. When this value is selected, all other properties in the Motion State Components category will not be editable.

Grouped Text: Converts labels according to the Motion State Components category settings.


Selecting Grouped Text removes all boxes, lines, ticks, and directional arrows. Text components are arranged as fractional text vertically in the order specified by the label style.


Command prompts:

Change parameters in ‘Properties’ window and choose ‘OK’ to save changes or ‘Cancel’ to discard any changes <ОK> or [OK/Cancel]:

Yes – all changes to label style properties made in the Properties bar will take effect.

Cancel – all changes to label style properties made in the Properties bar during this session of the command work will be cancelled.

note: Unused geopoint label styles can be deleted. Once a style is in use, it cannot be deleted.

Editing Label Properties of Geopoints

Editing label properties of geopoints is started by double-clicking the desired geopoint label style in the Drawing Explorer. Settings are configured in the Properties bar.


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The LabelStyle Offset is a parameter that manages the position of label relative to insertion point. The values are set in drawing units.

The Display Components parameter manages reordering of the displayed components.


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