nanoCAD Platform Help

Display Modes

View is a combination of the size, position and orientation of a drawing fragment on the screen.

There are different tools and methods allowing you to orient in the document when you edit it. You can zoom or pan the working area for visual control of changes in the document; you can save a selected view for further display or printing; you can separate the working area of a document into several non-overlapping viewports to display different drawing fragments at the same time.

The main methods to change the document display on the screen are zooming and panning.

Zoom command enlarges the view of a drawing segment for better detailing or decreases it to display more of the drawing. Absolute sizes are not changed during zooming.

Pan command allows you to pan the drawing without decreasing or enlarging it.

Zoom and Pan commands are available in the View – Zoom menu or on the Zoom toolbar. For your convenience, most frequently used commands are on the Main toolbar and in the status bar.

CAD drafting Display Modes 0 CAD software Display Modes 1

For more convenience, the most often used commands are also available in the Main toolbar and in the status bar.

note: You can zoom using the mouse wheel. Moving the mouse with the wheel pressed and held allows panning.


Pan Command

CAD drawing Display Modes 2    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drafting Display Modes 3 Pan

CAD software Display Modes 4   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD drawing Display Modes 5 Pan

CAD drafting Display Modes 6   Toolbar: Main – CAD software Display Modes 7

CAD drawing Display Modes 8   Status bar CAD drafting Display Modes 9

CAD software Display Modes 10 Command line: PAN, VIEWPAN

The mode to pan the image, occurs when you move the cursor with pressed left button, the image is moved dynamically to horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. The scale of the document is not changed.

After starting the command, the cursor has the CAD drawing Display Modes 11shape.

With the left button pressed, the cursor has the CAD drafting Display Modes 12 shape. In a perspective projection, the center relative to which the movement will be carried out is highlighted with a colored icon - a blue sphere CAD software Display Modes 13.

To exit from pan mode, press the ESC or ENTER buttons.


CAD drawing Display Modes 14   Status bar CAD drafting Display Modes 15 Navigate

CAD software Display Modes 16 Command line: ZOOM, Z

Turns on the mode in which you can increase an object’s size on the screen by moving the mouse up and decrease it by moving it down. All available options are displayed in the command line:


Specify corner of window or
All/Center/Dynamic/Extents /Scale/RScale/Window/Object] <real time>:

Command options:


Displays the entire document on the screen, even if some of its objects are outside the established limits.

Identical to calling the CAD drawing Display Modes 17 All command.

In this document display mode, not only the boundaries of the drawing are taken into account, but also the boundaries of the established document limits:

CAD drafting Display Modes 18


Places the image in the center of the screen. Scale of the document is not changed, only the image is panned.

Displays the image in the center in the specified point with given scaling coefficient or height.

Identical to launching the CAD software Display Modes 19 Center command.

Setting height value less than current one leads to image increase. Setting larger value results in image reduction


Changes scale of the image on the screen in real time.

Identical to calling the CAD drawing Display Modes 20 Real time command.

The cursor’s movement enlarges the image on the screen, if the left button of mouse is pressed and the cursor goes. The image decreases on the screen, if the left button of the mouse is pressed and the cursor goes down.


Displays the entire document inside its borders.

Identical to calling the CAD drafting Display Modes 21 Borders command.

Borders of the specified document limits are not taken into account (in comparison with All):

CAD software Display Modes 22


Consecutive display of previous views on the screen.


Changes the scale of the document using the precise scale factor.

Identical to calling the CAD drawing Display Modes 23 Scale command.

The image on the screen is decreased or increased according to the specified document limits and the value.


Changes the document scale using the precise scale factor.

The image on the screen is decreased or increased relative to the limits of the current document view and according to the specified value.


Specifies display area of the document using two opposite corners of a rectangular frame.

Identical to calling the CAD drafting Display Modes 24 Window command.


Displays selected objects of the document on the screen.

Identical to calling the CAD software Display Modes 25 Selected command.

Select one or several objects on the screen after you select the Object option. The image is displayed after all objects are selected and the ENTER button is pressed.

If objects were selected beforehand – the display of image is reconstructed after the Object option is selected.


CAD drawing Display Modes 26    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drafting Display Modes 27 Realtime

CAD software Display Modes 28    Menu: View – Navigation > CAD drawing Display Modes 29 Zoom realtime

CAD drafting Display Modes 30    Toolbars: Main, Navigate – CAD software Display Modes 31

CAD drawing Display Modes 32    Status Bar – CAD drafting Display Modes 33

CAD software Display Modes 34 Command line: ZOOMD, VIEWZOOMDYNAMIC

Turns on the interactive image zooming mode, in which moving the mouse cursor with the left button pressed and held up the screen enlarges the view on the screen, and moving downward – reduces it.

After starting the command from the View menu or the Main toolbar, the cursor looks as follows: CAD drawing Display Modes 35.

Releasing the mouse button suspends the zoom, you can move the cursor to a different position, and then click again to continue zooming in the new position.

To exit the zoom mode, press ESC or ENTER.

note: In addition, it is convenient to zoom in by rotating the mouse wheel. In this case, the zoom step can be set in the Mouse settings – 3D Orbit settings – Mouse wheel to rotate 3D orbit of the Options dialog, box


CAD drafting Display Modes 36    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD software Display Modes 37 Window

CAD drawing Display Modes 38    Menu: View – Navigation > CAD drafting Display Modes 39 Zoom Window

CAD software Display Modes 40    Toolbars: Main, Navigation – CAD drawing Display Modes 41

CAD drafting Display Modes 42    Status bar – CAD software Display Modes 43

CAD drawing Display Modes 44 Command line: ZOOMW

Sets the display area of the document by specifying two opposite corners of a rectangular frame.

In the process of specifying, for precise positioning of the window, it is convenient to use a one-time object snap from the context menu calling it by clicking the right mouse button while holding CTRL (or SHIFT).


CAD drafting Display Modes 45    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD software Display Modes 46 Scale

CAD drawing Display Modes 47    Menu: View – Navigation > CAD drafting Display Modes 48 Zoom scale

CAD software Display Modes 49    Toolbar: Navigation – CAD drawing Display Modes 50

Changes the scale (zoom rate) of a document by specifying the exact scale factor.

The screen image is enlarged or reduced by a specified value relative to the specified document limits.


Zoom 1:1

CAD drafting Display Modes 51    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD software Display Modes 52 Zoom 1:1

CAD drawing Display Modes 53   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD drafting Display Modes 54 Zoom 1:1

CAD software Display Modes 55 Command line: ZOOM1, VIEWZOOM1X1

An image is scaled so that one pixel on the screen corresponds to one image point according to the specified DPI value.

Zoom Center

CAD drawing Display Modes 56    Ribbon: View – Zoom > CAD drafting Display Modes 57 Center

CAD software Display Modes 58    Menu: View – Zoom > CAD drawing Display Modes 59 Center

CAD drafting Display Modes 60    Toolbar: Zoom – CAD software Display Modes 61

Displays image in the center in the specified point with given scaling coefficient or height.

Command prompts:

Specify center point:

Enter magnification or height <200.00>:

First specify the point that will be the center of zoomed fragment, and then set magnification or height. One can enter numeric value in the command line or determine height by specifying two points on the screen.

Setting height value less than current one leads to image increase. Setting larger value results in image reduction.

Zoom All

CAD drawing Display Modes 62    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drafting Display Modes 63 Zoom All

CAD software Display Modes 64   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD drawing Display Modes 65 Zoom All

CAD drafting Display Modes 66   Toolbar: Main – CAD software Display Modes 67

CAD drawing Display Modes 68   Status bar: CAD drafting Display Modes 69

CAD software Display Modes 70 Hotkeys: ALT+0

CAD drawing Display Modes 71 Command line: ZOOMALL, VIEWZOOMALL

Displays the whole document, even if some objects are outside the specified limits.

Zoom Selected

CAD drafting Display Modes 72    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD software Display Modes 73 Zoom Object

CAD drawing Display Modes 74   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD drafting Display Modes 75 Zoom Selected

CAD software Display Modes 76   Toolbar: Main – CAD drawing Display Modes 77

CAD drafting Display Modes 78 Command line: FITSEL, FITSELECTED

Displays the selected objects.

Zoom Window

CAD software Display Modes 79    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drawing Display Modes 80 Zoom Window

CAD drafting Display Modes 81   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD software Display Modes 82 Zoom Window

CAD drawing Display Modes 83   Toolbar: Main – CAD drafting Display Modes 84

CAD software Display Modes 85   Status bar CAD drawing Display Modes 86

CAD drafting Display Modes 87 Command line: ZOOMW

Selects an area on the screen, the area is specified with two opposite corners of the rectangular frame.

Zoom In

CAD software Display Modes 88    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drawing Display Modes 89 Zoom In

CAD drafting Display Modes 90   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD software Display Modes 91 Zoom In

CAD drawing Display Modes 92 Command line: ZOOMIN

Doubles the scale.

Zoom Out

CAD drafting Display Modes 93    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD software Display Modes 94 Zoom Out

CAD drawing Display Modes 95   Menu: View – Zoom > CAD drafting Display Modes 96 Zoom Out

CAD software Display Modes 97 Command line: ZOOMOUT

Decreases the scale by half.


CAD drawing Display Modes 98    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drafting Display Modes 99 Extents

CAD software Display Modes 100    Menu: View – Navigation > CAD drawing Display Modes 101 Zoom Extents

CAD drafting Display Modes 102    Toolbar: Navigation – CAD software Display Modes 103

Displays the entire document on the screen within its extents.

In this mode of displaying a document (in contrast to the All option), the boundaries of the set document limits are not taken into account.

CAD drawing Display Modes 104    Ribbon: View – Navigate > CAD drafting Display Modes 105 Previous

CAD software Display Modes 106    Menu: View – Navigation > CAD drawing Display Modes 107 Zoom Previous

CAD drafting Display Modes 108    Toolbar: Navigation – CAD software Display Modes 109

Sequential display of previous views on the screen.


Info: NanoCAD is a user friendly, affordable, and yet powerful, CAD program for PC, that allows an outstanding user experience by providing enhanced performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industries. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drawing and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our freeware provides groundbreaking, collaborative and customizable features to improve your efficiency, and includes several API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD application development. You may download nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, in case you like it.
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