Creating Commands from Downloadable Applications and Command Scripts
Creating Commands from Downloadable Applications and Command Scripts
Commands of the third-party applications, scripts, scenarios, etc. discussed above can be integrated into nanoCAD as independent commands. They can be placed in the ribbon, on toolbars, in the menu.
To do this:
1. Add the desired script/application in the autoload list using the Application Load (APPLOAD) or Load NET Application commands.
For example, add LispExample.lsp with the following LISP command:
(defun c:SetColor()
(command "_-Color" "230")
2. Create a new custom nanoCAD command in the Customize user interface dialog box based on SetColor command from the loaded script/application. In the same place, specify the icon file for it.
3. If necessary, create a new toolbar in the Customize user interface dialog.
4. In the same dialog, drag a newly created nanoCAD command to the required toolbar, menu or ribbon tab.
5. Reload nanoCAD.