Copy Layout
Copy Layout
Ribbon: Layout – Layouts >
Copy Layout(The Layout tab only appears when you are in paper space)
Layouts Manager dialog:
Copy layout
Command line: COPYLAYOUT
This command copies all parameters and content of layout to the new layout.
The command offers to copy the last active layout by default:
Enter name of layout to copy <A0>:
To confirm, press ENTER, to copy another layout, input its name in the command line and then press ENTER.
Upon the prompt in the command line Enter name of layout to copy – specify the name for a new layout and press ENTER. If the name is not specified, the copy is assigned with the name of initial layout with the number (N), for example, А4 (2). Where (N) is a sequence number of the copy being created.
If the name being specified matches the name of an existing layout, a prompt is displayed in the command line with a choice of action:
Layout "A4" is exist. Replace it? <No> or [Yes/No]:
Attention! Selecting the name of an existing layout (Yes option) will replace all preset parameters and contents of this layout with the parameters and contents of the copied layout.
No option will interrupt the copy process.