nanoCAD Platform Help

Converting Model to SubMesh

CAD drafting Converting Model to SubMesh 0   Ribbon: TopoplanCreate TIN > CAD software Converting Model to SubMesh 1 Convert to Mesh

CAD drawing Converting Model to SubMesh 2   Menu: GroundCreate TIN > CAD drafting Converting Model to SubMesh 3 Convert to Mesh

CAD software Converting Model to SubMesh 4   Toolbar: Create TIN > CAD drawing Converting Model to SubMesh 5 Convert to Mesh

CAD drafting Converting Model to SubMesh 6 Command line: NG_TO_SUBDMESH


The command converts a set of 3D Face or Polyface Meshes type objects to one or several Submesh type object.

Command prompts:

Apply changes? <Yes> or [Yes/No]:

Yes – conversion will be performed with the current settings.

No – if the settings have been changed, they will not be preserved. Conversion will be performed with the settings that displayed right after the command started.


The command options are set in the Properties bar.


Split mesh for optimization

Yes (recommended) – the SubMesh obtained from the selected objects will be exploded to several smaller meshes for further comfortable work. The explosion criteria are set by the Split meshes by topology option.

No – a single mesh will be created from the selected objects without splitting to parts.

Split meshes by topology

A method of exploding a mesh into smaller meshes:

·         Yes – split a mesh into parts taking into account both topology (Maximum difference of normals in mesh option), and limitations (no more than 500000 faces).

·         No – split only on the basis of limitations (no more than 500000 faces).

Maximum difference of normals in mesh (degrees)

The maximum allowable deviation of the normal of a mesh element from its average normal (in degrees), at which the element will be considered to belong to this mesh.

The normals of elements in each part, into which a single mesh will be split, should not differ by more than a given value.

The option determines the number of pieces into which the mesh will be split, if the Split meshes by topology option is set to Yes.

Vertex tolerance

Accuracy parameter within which closely located nodes (vertices) of objects will be combined during conversion.

For example, the vertices of neighboring faces may not match within 1e-0.4, but with the Vertex tolerance value equal to 1e-0.2 such vertices will be merged into one.


Info: NanoCAD is a simple, cheap, and yet powerful, CAD platform for PC, that provides an outstanding user experience by providing enhanced performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industrial purposes. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drafting and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our program provides progressive, collaborative and customizable features to boost your efficiency, and includes a number of API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD application development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, in case you like it.
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