Change Elevation
Change Elevation
Ribbon: Topoplan – Modify TIN > Change Elevation
Menu: Ground – Editing TIN > Change Elevation
Toolbar: Editing TIN > Change Elevation
The command changes elevation (Z coordinate) of a node of an existing surface (Submesh or Polyface mesh) and rebuilds triangulation.
To change elevation:
1. Run the command.
2. In response to the prompt in the command line:
Select vertex to change elevation
select a vertex. When you hover the cursor over the mesh node, it is highlighted in red.
3. After specifying the node, the prompt follows:
Elevation of this vertex is 200.36. Specify new elevation.
where 200.36 value is the node elevation. You need to enter a new elevation in the drawing units and press Enter.
4. Elevations of several vertices can be changed in succession. Pressing ESC button ends the command.