nanoCAD Platform Help

Break All Vectors at Point

CAD drafting Break All Vectors at Point 0    Ribbon: Draw - Modify > CAD software Break All Vectors at Point 1 Break All Objects at Point

CAD drawing Break All Vectors at Point 2   Menu: Modify – Break All Vectors at Point CAD drafting Break All Vectors at Point 3 

CAD software Break All Vectors at Point 4   Toolbar: Modify – CAD drawing Break All Vectors at Point 5

CAD drafting Break All Vectors at Point 6 Command line: VCBREAKALLATPOINTCMD

The Break All Vectors at Point command breaks intersection objects (lines, arcs, polylines, splines and other vector objects) in the intersection point. Some closed objects (ellipse, circle, etc.) can’t be break at point.

Command options:


Opens the additional options to select objects.

Command prompts:

Select objects or [?]:

Select intersection object.

Specify break point:

Specify an intersection point (s).


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