nanoCAD Platform Help

Arc Text

CAD drafting Arc Text 0    Ribbon: Annotate - Text > CAD software Arc Text 1 Multiline text

CAD drawing Arc Text 2    Menu: Draw – Text > CAD drafting Arc Text 3 Multiline…

CAD software Arc Text 4    Toolbar: Text – CAD drawing Arc Text 5

CAD drafting Arc Text 6 Command line: ARCTEXT

The command creates the Arc Text type object along the curve selected arc.

CAD software Arc Text 7


An arc text is associated with the arc along which it is built. It changes its position and stretch with the change in the length and curvature of the arc itself.

CAD drawing Arc Text 8

CAD drafting Arc Text 9


The arc text has its own grips that allow you to adjust the value of its offset above/below the arc and the offset along the arc from its left or right edge.

CAD software Arc Text 10


All arc text options can be edited in the Properties bar or in the Arc Aligned Text Settings dialog box, which opens by double-click on the object.


 After running the command, specify the arc (Arc object (ARC)) along which the text should be placed.

After specifying the arc, the Arc Aligned Text Settings dialog box opens:

CAD drawing Arc Text 11


CAD drafting Arc Text 12

Drop-down list to select a text style.

CAD software Arc Text 13

Drop-down list to select a font file that specifies the character style.

CAD drawing Arc Text 14

Drop-down list to select the text color.

Aligning text lines relative to the text area

CAD drafting Arc Text 15

Reverse text reading order

Arranges text in reverse order.

CAD software Arc Text 16

Align left

Turns on the text alignment mode to the left edge of the text area.

CAD drawing Arc Text 17

Align right

Turns on the text alignment mode to the right edge of the text area.

CAD drafting Arc Text 18


Turns on the text alignment mode to fit the width of the text area.

CAD software Arc Text 19

Align center

Turns on the text alignment mode in the center of the text area.

Text formatting

CAD drawing Arc Text 20

On convex side

Positions text on the outside of the arc at the distance specified in the Offset from arc parameter

CAD drafting Arc Text 21

On concave side

Positions the text on the inside of the arc at the distance specified in the Offset from arc parameter.

CAD software Arc Text 22

Outward from the center

Positions the text so that its base is closer to the center of the arc and its top is farther away.

CAD drawing Arc Text 23

Inward to the center

Positions the text so that the top of the text is closer to the center of the arc and the bottom is farther away.

CAD drafting Arc Text 24


Enables/disables bold characters. The parameter is only available for TrueType fonts.

CAD software Arc Text 25


Enables/disables italic characters. The parameter is only available for TrueType fonts.

CAD drawing Arc Text 26


Enables/disables character underlining.

Other parameters

Text height

Specifies the text height.

Width factor

Specifies the compression ratio for text characters. More than one - character expansion. Less than one - character compression.

Char spacing

Specifies spacing between characters.

Offset from arc

Specifies the distance from the arc line to the nearest edge (top or bottom) of the text line. This parameter is also controlled by the central text grip.

Offsdet from left

Specifies the indent of a text line from the left end of the arc. This parameter is also controlled by the left text grip.

Offset from right

Specifies the indent of a text line from the right end of the arc. This parameter is also controlled by the right text grip.


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