nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection

Calculations and Valuation

CAD drafting Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 0    Ribbon: 3DScan – Texturing and Calculations > CAD software Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 1 Calculating the Volume between Models

CAD drawing Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 2    Menu: 3DScan > Calculation > CAD drafting Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 3 Calculating the Volume Between Models

CAD software Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 4   Toolbar: Texturing and Calculation > CAD drawing Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 5 Volume between Models

CAD drafting Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 6 Command line: PC_CALC_ VOLUMES


Volume of triangular irregular network (TIN) is used in a building. It determines volume of excavations. Command calculates soil volume that should be cut or covered. It is possible to calculate difference, balance and total volumes.

Drawing should Contain point clouds, and SubDMesh or Polyface mesh. SubDMesh and Polyface mesh can be get through the Create TIN command.

Calculate the volume:


1.    Start Volume of TIN and Cloud intersection command.

2.    In response to prompt in the command line, select SubDMesh or Polyface mesh:

Select plan mesh (subdmesh or polyface mesh) or [?]:

3.    Select the required object (mesh),


4.    Configure the command parameters on the Properties bar and press Enter, or run the command without changing settings by selecting No in the command line:


Apply changes? <Yes> or [Yes/No/Save/saveDefault] <Yes>:

Yes – the command will be performed taking into account changes in the settings made by the user in the current session of the command work.

No – the command will be performed with the settings displayed immediately after running the command.

Save – saving settings to a document.

saveDefault – saving settings to the registry.


Total volume

CAD software Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 7

Calculate total volume of displace soil (sum of cut and covered soil).

Command creates 2 new models (meshes) – by point cloud (actual model) and copy of created triangulation (reference model). Then it calculates sum of volumes of these models.

Differenced volume

CAD drawing Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 8

Calculates volumes of cut and covered soil separately. Creates 4 meshes: top and bottom of reference model, top and bottom of actual model.

Balance volume

CAD drafting Volume of TIN and Cloud Intersection 9

Balance volume is difference between cut and covered volumes and displays excess/deficiency of soil. Creates 4 meshes: top and bottom of reference model, top and bottom of actual model.

Create models

Checkbox is enable by default, and the command creates triangular networks. Each network placed on new layer. If checkbox is disable, new objects and layers are not created.

Create MText label in drawing

Create multiline text that contains calculation results.

If checkbox is disabled, then only command line displays results:

Volume Cut = 2012044.5914294645, Volume Cover = 1975404.1201610819

Volume Displace= 3987448.7115905462, Volume Balance = 36640.471268382622

Volume Total= 3987448.71