nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Video Recording


Video Recording from the Screen

CAD drafting Video Recording 0    Ribbon: Visualization > CAD software Video Recording 1 Start of Recording

CAD drawing Video Recording 2    Menu: Visualization 3DScan > CAD drafting Video Recording 3 Start of Recording

CAD software Video Recording 4   Toolbar: Visualization 3DScan > CAD drawing Video Recording 5 Start of Recording

CAD drafting Video Recording 6 Command line: START_VIDEO_RECORDING


The command allows to record video from the screen.

note: To record and play video, install additionally install any set of special encoding and decoding codecs. Prerequisite: the set should include the Xvid library!

CAD software Video Recording 7


Path to file

The path to the recorded video file on the disk.


Selecting the recording area - recording the area of the current document or the entire program window.


Video codec installed in the system to be used for video recording.


The number of frames per second. May depend on the selected codec

Delayed start

Delay in seconds before starting to write to the fille.


Pause recording and stop recording are performed by the same name commands:

CAD drawing Video Recording 8    Ribbon: Visualization > CAD drafting Video Recording 9 Pausing Recording

CAD software Video Recording 10    Menu: Visualization 3DScan > CAD drawing Video Recording 11 Pausing Recording

CAD drafting Video Recording 12   Toolbar: Visualization 3DScan > CAD software Video Recording 13 Pausing Recording

CAD drawing Video Recording 14 Command line: PAUSE_VIDEO_RECORDING


CAD drafting Video Recording 15    Ribbon: Visualization > CAD software Video Recording 16 Stop Recording

CAD drawing Video Recording 17    Menu: Visualization > CAD drafting Video Recording 18 Stop Recording

CAD software Video Recording 19   Toolbar: Visualization 3DScan > CAD drawing Video Recording 20 Stop Recording

CAD drafting Video Recording 21 Command line: END_VIDEO_RECORDING