nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Transformation to Default Coordinates

Point Clouds Coordinates Transformation

CAD drafting Transformation to Default Coordinates 0    Ribbon: Point Clouds > Point Cloud > CAD software Transformation to Default Coordinates 1  Transform to Default Coordinates

CAD drawing Transformation to Default Coordinates 2    Menu: Point Clouds > CAD drafting Transformation to Default Coordinates 3 Transform to Default Coordinates

CAD software Transformation to Default Coordinates 4    Toolbar: Point Clouds 3DScan > CAD drawing Transformation to Default Coordinates 5 Transform to Default Coordinates

CAD drafting Transformation to Default Coordinates 6 Command line: NPC_TRANSFORM_TO_DEFAULT_COORDINATES


The command allows you to convert point cloud coordinates from the Own or User coordinate system to the World coordinate system.

It is usually used to transform the coordinates of those clouds that were taken in the own coordinate system.


Command prompts:

Do you want to transform object coordinates from UCS to WCS or from OCS to WCS or renormalize cloud <OCS> or [UCS/OCS/RNM]:

UCS or OCS indicate from which system the cloud coordinates should be converted to the World Coordinate System. RNM (renormalize) allows you to change coordinates of the geometric center inside the cloud to coordinates of the shift point and recreate the cloud with new coordinates.