nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Texture Atlas Overlay

CAD drafting Texture Atlas Overlay 0    Ribbon: 3DScan > texturing and Calculations > CAD software Texture Atlas Overlay 1 Texture Atlas Overlay

CAD drawing Texture Atlas Overlay 2    Menu: 3DScan > Texturing > CAD drafting Texture Atlas Overlay 3 Texture Atlas Overlay

CAD software Texture Atlas Overlay 4   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD drawing Texture Atlas Overlay 5 Texture Atlas Overlay

CAD drafting Texture Atlas Overlay 6 Command line: PC_UV_ATLAS


The Texture Atlas Overlay command creates a texture according to the color of the cloud points and applies it to the triangulation mesh.

CAD software Texture Atlas Overlay 7

The mesh with overlayed texture created from point cloud

CAD drawing Texture Atlas Overlay 8

To successfully execute the command, a point cloud is required with a triangulation mesh created on its basis. In this case, the point cloud should be colored by scan color (select Scan color in the View Mode dialog).

The command options are set on the Properties bar.


Texture Width

The number of pixels by the width of texture atlas being created. The default value is 512.

Texture Height

The number of pixels by the height of texture atlas being created. The default value is 512.

Max Stretch

Acceptable degree of texture stretch, when overlayed to a mesh. The default value is 0.1. The range of acceptable values is from 0 (one texture area is created for each face) to 1 (one area for the whole mesh).

At the end of the command’s work, it will create a texture and, as a new material, overlay on a triangulation mesh.

CAD drafting Texture Atlas Overlay 9

A working file of the texture automatically created in the process of texturing
the triangulation mesh of a building

The appearance of a mesh with disabled display of edges may be indistinguishable from the point cloud based on which this mesh was created.

CAD software Texture Atlas Overlay 10

Simplified vector mesh textured by color of cloud points with edges displayed


CAD drawing Texture Atlas Overlay 11

The same mesh without displayed edges