nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud

CAD drafting Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 0    Ribbon: 3DScan > Features > CAD software Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 1 Classification of Flanges

CAD drawing Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 2    Menu: 3DScan > Features > CAD drafting Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 3 Classification of Flanges

CAD software Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 4   Toolbar: Features 3DScan > CAD drawing Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 5 Classification of Flanges

CAD drafting Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 6 Command line: PC_FLANGES


The command searches for flanges in a pipeline.

CAD software Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 7

NOTE: You can search for flanges directly during pipeline recognition using the Searching for Pipes in the Point Cloud command.



The recognition parameters are set in the Properties bar:


Specifies how large the radius of the point neighborhood will be to determine whether it has a bend in the pipe surface, which can be considered an internal or external edge of the flange.

CAD drawing Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 8

The parameter is measured in drawing units.

If the Resolution parameter is too low (high resolution), the slightest bends in the pipe will be detected, but smoother bends may not be detected. If the parameter value is too large, the opposite picture occurs.

The neighborhood radius can be specified in the drawing by clicking the parameter button in the Properties bar.

CAD drafting Searching for Flanges in the Point Cloud 9

Key Points Percentile

This parameter determines how sharp corners are considered bends. Increase the parameter value if you want to recognize more bends, and decrease it to reduce the number of them and take into account only the sharpest corners. This parameter is also related to the Resolution parameter, since the bend is considered to be within a sphere of radius determined by the resolution. The parameter values vary from 0 to 1.