nanoCAD 3DScan Help

“Reference Points” Tab

This tab supports work with reference points. Each point has a set of flags and parameters.

CAD drafting “Reference Points” Tab 0



Table columns description

Reference point

Name of reference point.


Group of reference point


This flag means that point will not be used in registration.

It is not possible to switch this flag manually.


Flag means that point was removed manually from registration.


Table displays disabled points in grey:

 CAD software “Reference Points” Tab 1


This flag marks points of the base group. Flag switches simultaneously for all points in group. Switch it manually at the Group tab.

Base points are displayed with bold font in the table:

CAD drawing “Reference Points” Tab 2


Weight of reference point. May be changed manually in the range from 0 to 1. Point with weight=0 is excluded from registration and marks with the Unused flag.

Weight=1 by default.


Error (residual) that calculated for points after registration. Actually, error is the difference between reference point and common reference point coordinates obtained after registration.


It is calculated for points that were registered:

CAD drafting “Reference Points” Tab 3


Error for points of base groups is displayed if the names of points are the same:

CAD software “Reference Points” Tab 4




Sort groups by one of the flags:

CAD drawing “Reference Points” Tab 5


Context menu

CAD drafting “Reference Points” Tab 6

Menu items:


Include points in registration.


Exclude points from registration.

Set weight…

Open dialog for changing the weight of reference points:

CAD software “Reference Points” Tab 7

It is possible to change the weight in the range from 0 to 1.


Open dialog to rename reference point:

CAD drawing “Reference Points” Tab 8


Display selected point in the center of view.


Remove selected points from the table.

If all points of group were removed, then the group is removed from the Groups tab.


Display information about selected points:

CAD drafting “Reference Points” Tab 9

If information was requested after the registration then the table additionally shows coordinates of reference points after transformation and residual (discrepancy).

It is possible to save information into HTML-file.

Select all

Select all reference points in the table.

Unselect all

Remove selection from selected reference points.