nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Raster Texture Overlay

CAD drafting Raster Texture Overlay 0   Ribbon: 3DScanTexturing and calculations > CAD software Raster Texture Overlay 1 Raster Texture Overlay

CAD drawing Raster Texture Overlay 2   Menu: 3DScanTexturing > CAD drafting Raster Texture Overlay 3 Raster Texture Overlay

CAD software Raster Texture Overlay 4   Toolbar: Texturing and Calculation > CAD drawing Raster Texture Overlay 5 Texture from the Raster

CAD drafting Raster Texture Overlay 6   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD software Raster Texture Overlay 7 Raster Texture Overlay

CAD drawing Raster Texture Overlay 8 Comamnd line: PC_ORTHO_IMAGE


The command allows you to overlay a raster onto a triangulated mesh, thereby creating a textured surface. The raster image must be loaded into the drawing.

After starting the command, in response to the respective prompts, consistently select in the drawing the Mesh object and Raster image.

Mesh before texture overlay

Mesh after texture overlay

CAD drafting Raster Texture Overlay 9

CAD software Raster Texture Overlay 10


After removing the raster image from the drawing, the surface retains the texture:

CAD drawing Raster Texture Overlay 11