nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Project a Line onto a Mesh

Projecting a Line onto a Mesh


CAD drafting Project a Line onto a Mesh 0    Ribbon: 3DScan – Meshes > CAD software Project a Line onto a Mesh 1 Projecting a Line onto a Mesh

CAD drawing Project a Line onto a Mesh 2    Menu: 3DScan – Meshes > CAD drafting Project a Line onto a Mesh 3 Projecting a Line onto a Mesh

CAD software Project a Line onto a Mesh 4   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD drawing Project a Line onto a Mesh 5 Projecting a Line onto a Mesh

CAD drafting Project a Line onto a Mesh 6 Command line: PC_TO_PROFILE_LINE

The command is designed to project existing plan elements onto the surface.

CAD software Project a Line onto a Mesh 7


Command prompts:

Project profile on or [WCS/UCS/Viewport]:

Determines how the polyline will be projected onto the mesh:

WCS – to the XY plane of the world coordinate system.

UCS – to the XY plane of the user coordinate system (if it is in the drawing).

Viewport – to the plane of the viewport.

Select polyline to build profile lien or [?]:

Select lines, polylines, or 3D polylines to project onto the mesh.