nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Point Cloud Project Manager

CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 0    Ribbon: Point Clouds > Point Cloud > CAD software Point Cloud Project Manager 1 Point Cloud Project Manager

CAD drawing Point Cloud Project Manager 2    Menu: Point Clouds > CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 3 Point Cloud Project Manager

CAD software Point Cloud Project Manager 4    Toolbar: Point Clouds 3DScan > CAD drawing Point Cloud Project Manager 5 Point Cloud Project Manager

CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 6  Command line: NPC_PROJECT_MANAGER


The Point Cloud Project Manager allows you to manage the project created during the import of point clouds.

CAD software Point Cloud Project Manager 7


CAD drawing Point Cloud Project Manager 8 Open project

Loads the project.

CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 9 Import more clouds into current project

Adds data to the project.

CAD software Point Cloud Project Manager 10 Exit

Closes the project.

CAD drawing Point Cloud Project Manager 11 Delete selected blocks

Deletes the selected blocks.

CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 12 Open selected blocks

Opens the block in a separate document.

CAD software Point Cloud Project Manager 13 Rename all blocks

Renames blocks.

CAD drawing Point Cloud Project Manager 14 Change order of blocks

Changes the block order (numbering).

CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 15 Grid more

Shows the blocks boundaries (all if none is selected, or selected ones) with a grid.

CAD software Point Cloud Project Manager 16 Reload all

Load the blocks inserted into the drawing.

CAD drawing Point Cloud Project Manager 17 View type


Folded data /Expanded data as a table.

A context menu is also available in the dialog.

When you double-click, the Project Information window appears in the dialog box, where you can add additional information about the project.

CAD drafting Point Cloud Project Manager 18

When duplicate block names occur, a warning message is displayed.