Mesh Boundary
Mesh Boundary
Ribbon: 3DScan > Meshes >
Outlining the Mesh
Menu: 3DScan > Meshes >
Outlining the Mesh
Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > Outlining the Mesh
Command line: PC_MESH_BOUNDARY
The command purpose is to remove faces with edges of a certain length, which can prevent from the correct construction of contours.
Before running the command it is necessary to define the length of edges. Measurement can be performed by the Distance between points (DIST) command. To do this, run the command with the enabled ENDpoint snap and make measurement. In this case, the obtained distance values will be displayed in the Properties toolbar:
The command options are set in the Properties bar.
Only external boundary |
Yes – changes will only affect the outer triangles. When you specify No, triangles inside a mesh can be changed. |
Maximum edge length |
It is necessary to specify a value slightly less than that measured by the Distance between points (DIST) command. |
Edge units |
Length units – specifies that the value in the Maximum length field is set in the drawing units (meters). Percent – specifies that the value in the Maximum length field is set as percentage. |
Project points to UCS XY plane |
To define what triangles should be removed, lengths of edge projections are compared with the Maximum length. If specify No, projections to the plane of the current view will be used. If specify Yes, lengths of projections to UCS XY plane will be compared. |
Command prompts:
Apply changes? <Yes> or [Yes/No/Save/saveDefault] <Yes>: |
Yes – the command will be performed taking into account changes in the settings made by the user in the current session of the command work. No – the command will be performed with the settings displayed immediately after running the command. Save – saving settings to a document. saveDefault – saving settings to the registry. |
Upon the command completion, triangles with the specified edge length will be deleted.
Edge that prevents from the correct construction of contours |
Result of the mesh boundaring |