nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Import of Point Clouds

CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 0    Ribbon: Point Clouds > Point Cloud > CAD software Import of Point Clouds 1 Import

CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 2    Menu: Insert > CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 3 Point Cloud

CAD software Import of Point Clouds 4    Menu: Point Clouds > Point Cloud > CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 5 Import

CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 6    Toolbar: nanoCAD Point Clouds > CAD software Import of Point Clouds 7

CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 8 Command line: NPC_IMPORT


The command allows you to import point clouds to the model space of a drawing from LAS, LAZ, BIN, PTX, PTS, PCD, TXT, XYZ, XYB, PLY, E57, RCS, RCP, NPC files. File formats are described in more detail in the Point Cloud Data Formats section.

Text Files Import Wizard

When importing point clouds from text files (TXT, XYZ, XYB…), a separate text files import wizard dialog is displayed. It allows you to set the data interpretation rules for the imported file.

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Specifies the next line character, the line from which data starts and the characters that are interpreted as the start of a line with comments.


Specifies character that separates text file data. You can choose both predefined character (semicolon, tab character, comma, space), and set any other one.

Decimal separator

Specify a character used to separate whole and fractional parts of values.


Preview of text file data.


Specifies the correspondence of text file columns to certain data types: point coordinates by X, by Y and by Z, intensity value, point color in RGB (red, green, blue).

The Data field displays 100 lines from the file, and the Result field displays 50.

Changing the Content Start Line value will display the next 50 lines.

The columns are selected in accordance with the filling of the table. If the column is empty, then Off, if there is data, then On.

After Text Files Import Wizard is closed, the main point clouds Import dialog box opens.


Point Clouds Import Dialog Box

The Import dialog box allows you to specify what data to import and how. It gives visual representation of the file’s point cloud and get understanding of the data in the file.

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The import dialog allows you to:

·         import several files at the same time;

·         view detailed information about each file and its metadata values;

·         set an individual point cloud transformation from each file using EPSG codes (if the point cloud has a coordinate system described by the EPSG code, or the user sets EPSG for it manually);

·         organize a preview of a point cloud in 3D, as well as to select a spatial fragment in any perspective selected by the user;

·         set units of measurement for source data, as well as manage drawing units and data conversion from source units to drawing units;

·         specify the types of metadata to be imported from source data;

·         specify the classes to be imported from the source data;

·         set data thinning during import;

·         set partition into clouds by classes, sources, echoes;

·         split point clouds into blocks, both along the grid and along the flight line. In this case, the cloud is not loaded immediately into the drawing. A set of dwg files is created in the folder with the point cloud, each of which contains a block - a fragment of the cloud, obtained by splitting the source file in accordance with the specified parameters. The function is convenient to use to automate import, the resulting fragments can be loaded into the drawing separately, significantly reducing the amount of memory used.

·         remove files from the downloaded list.

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Selected file

Displays the path with the name of an imported file.


Preview displays all contents of the imported file. You can specify areas to import. By default, all points will be imported, However it is possible to specify one or more areas of diverse geometry instead of loading all file points. To select areas, you must activate the set of area selection tools:

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CAD software Import of Point Clouds 13 Rectangle selection

Specifies a rectangular area whose points will be imported into the document. Several such areas may be defined.

CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 14 Polygon selection

Specifies the polygon area whose points will be imported into the document. To stop specifying the area, right-click the mouse. Several such areas may be defined.

CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 15 Invert selected

The tool allows you to invert the selected areas.

CAD software Import of Point Clouds 16 Select all

Select the entire contents of the file being imported.

CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 17 Select by coordinates

Manually specifying the coordinates of the area whose points will be imported into the document. The button opens a dialog box, in the fields of which the coordinates of the full scan boundaries are indicated. To create an area in this case, the coordinates of the desired area are indicated in the fields.

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Several such areas may be defined.

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Reset selection

Allows you to completely remove all previously selected areas.

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It is possible to undo and redo operations for creating selection areas.

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View locator, similar to that in the main window. Allows you to select standard views.


CAD software Import of Point Clouds 22 CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 23 CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 24

Enlarges, reduces, or displays the entire image in the preview window.

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Show all files


Upon clamping, it turns on the mode of displaying the data of all files in the preview window. When unclamped, the mode of displaying only the data of the currently selected file works.

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On/Off project mode

When unclamped, it activates the mode of importing into the current document. When clamped, it activates the project work mode. In this mode it is possible to split the resulting data set into blocks, create a project file, as well as a project mosaic drawing.

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Edit project information

Clicking this button opens the project description editing window. Only available in the project creation mode CAD software Import of Point Clouds 28

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Show axis

When clicked, activates the display of the project CS axes. Only available in the project creation mode CAD software Import of Point Clouds 31

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Rotate axis

Tool for setting a project coordinate system. Only available in the project creation mode CAD software Import of Point Clouds 34



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On/Off grid of blocks

Only available in the project creation mode CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 36

Specifies the size of blocks and their numbering modeCAD software Import of Point Clouds 37 (to automatically generate a number, you need to use round brackets in which to place the starting number), CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 38 number of blocks perpendicular to line and CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 39 overlap width of blocks:

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It is possible to measure distances in the preview window

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The result of this mode is the creation of a split grid

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On/Off blocks by flight line

Only available in the project creation mode CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 44

Specifies the size of blocks and their numbering mode CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 45 (to automatically generate a number, you need to use round brackets in which to place the starting number), CAD software Import of Point Clouds 46 number of blocks perpendicular to line and CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 47 overlap width of blocks:

CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 48It is possible to measure distances in the preview window

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Next comes the flight line selection

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Add block

Only available in the project creation mode CAD software Import of Point Clouds 52

Works only in flightline splitting mode.

Allows you to create a new block where the user specifies.

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Remove block

Only available in the project creation mode CAD drafting Import of Point Clouds 54

Works only in flightline splitting mode.

Allows you to delete an existing block.

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Edit block

Only available in the project creation mode CAD drawing Import of Point Clouds 56

Works in both splitting modes (grid and flightline).

Allows you to change the block name manually.

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Show All Files

On – Shows all files.

Off – Shows only the last one

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Switching block numbering

Enables vertical numbering;

Enables horizontal numbering;

Enables start to end numbering;

Enables end to start numbering.

File information

This section displays statistics on the points of the imported file. You can set the units of the cloud, its coordinate system, and adjust thinning.

It is possible to reduce the density of imported clouds, in case of its redundancy, by importing every second/third/tenth, etc. file points. To do this, check the Interval box and specify the sequence number of the imported point in the Import each <…> field.

Using the checkbox in the left corner of the panel, you can include this file in the import data set or exclude it. For text files, there is a format setting button in the upper right corner (a description of the text file import settings window can be found in the Text File Import Wizard).

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Detailed file information

Further in the right corner there is a button for obtaining detailed information about a LAS or LAZ file, you can view the properties in a text dialog.

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Convert to

Setting up coordinate systems works as follows. If the file does not have a georeference, then it can be selected manually. For convenience, you can use the search by CS name.

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Having selected the desired coordinate system, we proceed to specify the target coordinate system in the same way.

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If the file has a georeference written to the file itself, then you do not need to select the source coordinate system, it will be automatically filled in when opening the file.

When importing multiple files, the target coordinate system cannot be set differently for different files. Changing the target coordinate system for at least one file will automatically change it for all.

Also, if there are several source files and they have different source coordinate systems, when you click OK, a message appears asking for the same source coordinate systems or to set them to a target coordinate system.

Filter by metadata

This list contains all metadata (attributes) of points present in the file.

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After import, the points will have only the attributes selected in this list. Unselected attributes will not be included in the document.

Filter by code

This list contains all the classes to which the points of the imported file have been distributed. If the cloud points had no classes, the list will be empty.

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Only those points that belong to the classes selected in this list will be imported. Points of the classes that were not selected will not be included in the document.

Autocreate layers by codes

If the Autocreate layers by codes box is checked, after import, layers with the names of classes into which the points of the imported file are distributed will be automatically created in the document. Names are created according to the standard LAS classification. In this case, the Descriptions text field is filled in for each layer with a comment like FC#N, where FC# is a mandatory index, N is the class number. After import, you can change the names of the created layers and class numbers manually in the Layers dialog.


If the Autocreate layers by codes checkbox is off, then a single layer Point Cloud will be created in the document. The Description field of this layer could be filled manually.


By default, file points are imported into the document as a single cloud. However, it is possible to import points as multiple clouds. The division of points into clouds can be carried out according to various criteria.

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Don't separate

Import of a file's points as a single cloud, regardless of the actual number of clouds, classes, or echoes in this file.

By codes

Import of file points in the form of several clouds, each of which will contain points with its own class. Including one cloud with unclassified points will be created.

By reflections

Import of file points in the form of several clouds, each of which will contain points with its own echo value.

By clouds

Import of file points divided by the number of clouds contained in the file. Differentiation "By clouds" splits only by clouds, not by files

By files

In the "By Files" differentiation mode, cloud objects (both entire clouds and their parts located in external constraints) have the same names as the files from which they were loaded.


note: To avoid program “slowdown” when drawing very large and saturated clouds, the program uses a mode for selective display of cloud points depending on the power of the computer’s video card. Therefore, if the point cloud looks more sparse than expected, check the Show all points box, which disables this mode. It is also not recommended to open files from the Desktop in Windows. Point clouds with more than 2.4 billion points are not supported. To be able to work with the data, split the point cloud into smaller parts using our import tools.