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Global Searching for Features

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CAD drafting Global Searching for Features 6 Command line: PC_FEATURES


The command searches for features in the point cloud using the RANSAC method: planes, spheres, cylinders, cones, tori.


The command options are set in the Properties bar.





Whether to search for the specified geometry shapes


Maximum permissible radius for cylindrical shapes to be recognized.



Whether to search for the specified geometry shapes.

Group Tolerance

The size of the conditional cell in drawing units. For large clouds, recognition times may be unacceptably long. To speed it up, the number of points considered is reduced by averaging coordinates and attributes in cubic cells of a specified size. The larger the cell size, the fewer points are taken into consideration and the higher the recognition speed will be.

If value = 0, grouping is not performed (disabled).


Epsilon surface of the form. Determines how far points belonging to a surface can be from this surface.


Often, the target form may be not uniform. For example, a sheet of corrugated board. The parameter sets the allowable measure of the fragmentation of the desired geometry.


The threshold value of the form validity criterion when the form is considered found.