nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Flip Edge

Tools to Work with Surfaces

Surfaces are constructed automatically according to the rules of Delaunay triangulation. Therefore, after creating a TIN, it is often necessary to edit some areas. Also, in the process of working with relief, sometimes the task of refining the surface arises. To do this, use the surface editing functionality.

To work with surface editing commands, it is recommended to enable filled visual styles.

CAD drafting Flip Edge 0   Ribbon: 3DScan > Meshes > CAD software Flip Edge 1 Flip Edge

CAD drawing Flip Edge 2   Menu: 3DScan > Meshes > CAD drafting Flip Edge 3 Flip Edge

CAD software Flip Edge 4   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD drawing Flip Edge 5 Flip Edge

CAD drafting Flip Edge 6 Command line: PC_MESH_FLIP

The command changes the edge position between two triangulation faces in the surface model (SubMesh or Polyface mesh); it can be performed, for example, to turn edges along the slope crest, road side, etc.

When you run the command, an object snap is enabled, and then you should specify an edge for a flip.

When you hover the cursor over the mesh, two adjacent triangles the position of face between which will be changed are highlighted in red. A click on the face flips the edge.

Surface before flip

Surface after flip

CAD software Flip Edge 7

CAD drawing Flip Edge 8

The position of several faces can be subsequently changed. Pressing ESC ends the command.