nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Delete Edge

Deleting an Edge

CAD drafting Delete Edge 0   Ribbon: 3DScan > Meshes > CAD software Delete Edge 1 Delete Edge

CAD drawing Delete Edge 2   Menu: 3DScan > Meshes > CAD drafting Delete Edge 3 Delete Edge

CAD software Delete Edge 4   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD drawing Delete Edge 5 Delete Edge

CAD drafting Delete Edge 6 Command line: PC_MESH_EDGE_DELETE

Using the command, you can delete edges of Submesh or Polyface mesh surface. Usually, it is used to delete “long” edges along the mesh boundary for correct contouring.

NOTE:                        Since a TIN surface has triangle faces, deletion of edges will result in deletion of faces that contained them.


Command prompts:

Specify opposite corner or [Edge]:

Use the frame to select one or more edges to delete. This command mode is enabled by default.

Edge – when this option is selected, the command switches to the mode of sequential (one at a time) specifying edges to be deleted.

Specify edge to delete or [Frame]:

Frame – return to selecting edges with a frame.


Faces that will be deleted when deleting edges

Surface after deleting edges

CAD software Delete Edge 7

CAD drawing Delete Edge 8

Several edges can be deleted in succession. Pressing ESC button ends the command.


The command is also used to delete faces inside water reservoirs to exclude the construction of contours along the reservoir.

Faces passing along the water surface

Faces are deleted

CAD drafting Delete Edge 9

CAD software Delete Edge 10