nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Cropping the Mesh by Cloud

CAD drafting Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 0    Ribbon: 3DScan – Meshes > CAD software Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 1 Trim Mesh by Point Cloud

CAD drawing Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 2    Menu: 3DScan – Meshes > CAD drafting Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 3 Trim Mesh by Point Cloud

CAD software Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 4   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD drawing Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 5 Trim Mesh by Point Cloud

CAD drafting Cropping the Mesh by Cloud 6 Command line: PC_TRIM_BY_CLOUD

The command crops the triangulation mesh by the cloud based on which it was created.

Often, after creating a triangulation mesh its edges are beyond the cloud. If it is required to trim the mesh edges exactly by the cloud, use the Trim Mesh by Point Cloud command.

note: the Create 3D-mesh command duplicates the functionality of this command when setting the value Trim Mesh by Point Cloud for Trim Type option.


The command options are set on the Properties bar.



The maximum space. After cropping the mesh, the edge will be located not farther from the cloud points than the specified distance.

Island Area Ratio

If the ratio of cut parts area to the area of entire mesh is less than the specified value, the parts will not be trimmed. It is useful to exclude creation of small “holes” in a mesh, that appear when trimming. The range of acceptable values is from 0.0 to 1.0. Typical value: 0.01 – 0.05.