nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Creating a Point Cloud from a Model

CAD drafting Creating a Point Cloud from a Model 0    Ribbon: Point Clouds > Point Cloud > CAD software Creating a Point Cloud from a Model 1  Creating a Point Cloud from a Model

CAD drawing Creating a Point Cloud from a Model 2    Menu: Point Clouds > CAD drafting Creating a Point Cloud from a Model 3 Creating a Point Cloud from a Model

CAD software Creating a Point Cloud from a Model 4 Command line: PC_MAKE_MODEL_CLOUD


The command creates a new point cloud from the geometric model. Before running the command, the area of the model is calculated, based on which the approximate number of points that should be obtained is estimated. The distance between points can be changed using the resolution parameter. For example, if the drawing units are meters and the resolution is 0.1, then the points will be every 10 cm. Too many points can lead to a lack of RAM. In this case, the command will not run, and the following message will be displayed on the command line:

The expected points number is too large. Try selecting smaller model or resolution.

Command prompts:

Apply changes [Yes/No/Save/saveDefault] <Yes>

Yes – the command will be performed taking into account changes in the settings made by the user in the current session of the command work.

No – the command will be performed with the settings displayed immediately after running the command.

Save – saving settings to a document.

saveDefault – saving settings to the registry.