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Creating 3D Objects Based on Features

CAD drafting Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 0    Ribbon: 3DScan – Features > CAD software Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 1 Creating Objects by Features

CAD drawing Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 2    Menu: 3DScan – Features > CAD drafting Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 3 Creating Objects by Features

CAD software Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 4   Toolbar: Features 3DScan > CAD drawing Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 5 Creating Objects by Features

CAD drafting Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 6 Command line: PC_CREATE_FEATURE_OBJECTS


The command creates 3D objects based on recognized geometry in the cloud.

Thus, for example, for plane geometry it creates objects of Region type in a drawing.

CAD software Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 7


And for pipes – 3D solid:

CAD drawing Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 8

CAD drafting Creating 3D Objects Based on Features 9

The command parameters are set in the Properties bar.


Specifies the type of coloring.


·         As before – smooth jujnctions are colored gray, if there are no connections or transitions, large changes in diameters are colored red;

·         By feature type – color objects by type of features;

·         By feature color – color objects by color of features.