nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Crane Beam Tracing


CAD drafting Crane Beam Tracing 0    Ribbon: Monitoring > CAD software Crane Beam Tracing 1 Crane Beam Tracing

CAD drawing Crane Beam Tracing 2    Menu: Monitoring 3DScan > CAD drafting Crane Beam Tracing 3 Crane Beam Tracing

CAD software Crane Beam Tracing 4   Toolbar: Monitoring 3DScan > CAD drawing Crane Beam Tracing 5 Crane Beam Tracing

CAD drafting Crane Beam Tracing 6 Command line: PC_TRACE_STRIPE

The tool for monitoring the relative position of rails.

The command parameters are set in the Properties bar.

CAD software Crane Beam Tracing 7

Stripe Width

The rail width.

Section Rel Width

The relative section width measured in fractions of the Stripe Width.

Section Rel Height

The relative section height measured in fractions of the Stripe Width.

Section Depth

The section depth.

Trace Step

The step at which nodes will be created on the line.

Surface Threshold

The accuracy with which a line fits into a section.

Width Difference

The relative difference in the width of the inscribed line at which the section will be constructed correctly. Measured as a fraction of the Stripe Width.

Max Tries

The maximum number of steps when creating a section “blindly” (if there are no points in some area).

Height Increase Ratio

The coefficient by which the section height increases during “blind” section. If you set the value = 1, then the section will not change.

Trace Side

The parameter indicating whether to trace the side surfaces of the rail. If you set No, only the base is traced.

Select the highest quality section of the point cloud and hover the cursor at two points on it as far as possible from each other and as accurately as possible defining the rail direction:

CAD drawing Crane Beam Tracing 8

CAD drafting Crane Beam Tracing 9

The Node snap should be enabled in the context menu of the Snap button of the status bar.

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After specifying the second point, an object (3d polyline) will be created, the nodes of which correspond to the marks of the lower edge of the rail:

CAD drawing Crane Beam Tracing 11

NOTE: Please note: if the rail has a rather large “dead zone” (no points), then the first two seed points must be entered more carefully so that they set the very direction that will be reproduced if the direction is lost by the algorithm.