nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Classify by Point Color

CAD drafting Classify by Point Color 0    Ribbon: 3DScan – Classification – By Attribute > CAD software Classify by Point Color 1 By Point Color

CAD drawing Classify by Point Color 2    Menu: 3DScan – Classification > CAD drafting Classify by Point Color 3 By Point Color

CAD software Classify by Point Color 4    Toolbar: Classification 3DScan > CAD drawing Classify by Point Color 5 Classify by Point Color

CAD drafting Classify by Point Color 6 Command line: PC_CLS_COLOR

The Color attribute (from RGB system) can be set for points during scanning. Command changes Class attribute for points from selected color range. You should separately set three components of the first and the last colors of points (red, green, blue in RGB system).


The command options are configured in the Properties bar.


Source classes

Existing cloud classes that will be involved in earth classification. Points of other classes are not subject to reclassification. The list opened by the CAD software Classify by Point Color 7 button displays all classes of the current point cloud.

CAD drawing Classify by Point Color 8

Destination class

The destination class to be assigned to recognized ground points. The destination class should not be the same as any of the selected source classes. Otherwise the command will stop prematurely with an error message in the command line.

CAD drafting Classify by Point Color 9

Base (center) color

The middle of the interval of colors by which points are classified.

Select color

Color selection, which allows you to select the base color on the cloud as the middle one inside the drawn circle.

CAD software Classify by Point Color 10



H(tone), percents

The wavelength of light reflected or transmitted through an object. As a percentage from 0 to 100.

S(saturation), percents

Degree of color purity. Determines the ratio of gray to a given color tone and is expressed as a percentage: from 0 (gray) to 100 (fully saturated).

V(value), percents

The relative lightness or darkness of a color and is measured as a percentage: from 0 (black) to 100 (white).


Command prompts:

Apply changes? <Yes> or [Yes/No/Save/saveDefault] <Yes>:

Yes – the command will be performed taking into account changes in the settings made by the user in the current session of the command work.

No – the command will be performed with the settings displayed immediately after running the command.

Save – saving settings to a document.

saveDefault – saving settings to the registry.