nanoCAD 3DScan Help

Classification of Mesh

CAD drafting Classification of Mesh 0   Ribbon: 3DScan Meshes > CAD software Classification of Mesh 1 Classification the Mesh

CAD drawing Classification of Mesh 2   Menu: 3DScanMeshes > CAD drafting Classification of Mesh 3 Classification the Mesh

CAD software Classification of Mesh 4   Toolbar: Meshes 3DScan > CAD drawing Classification of Mesh 5 Classification the Mesh

CAD drafting Classification of Mesh 6 Command line: PC_MESH_CLS

This command is used to divide the mesh into classes: for example, you can separate the road surfaces from lawn. For classification, it is necessary that closed polylines be created in the drawing, along which the mesh will be cut. After the mesh is classified, the resulting parts can be placed on layers to control their display (to adjust the visibility, color, transparency, etc.).


The command options are set in the Properties bar.


Project profile on

Determines how the cutting polyline will be projected onto the mesh:

·         WCS - on the XY plane of the world coordinate system,

·         UCS - on the XY plane of the user coordinate system (if it exists),

Viewport - on the plane of the viewport.

Save result as

The parameter affects the objects that will be created during execution of the command. Type of meshes to create: Subdmesh or Polyfacemesh.


Command prompts:

Apply changes? <Yes> or [Yes/No/Save/saveDefault] <Yes>:

Yes – the command will be performed taking into account changes in the settings made by the user in the current session of the command work.

No – the command will be performed with the settings displayed immediately after running the command.

Save – saving settings to a document.

saveDefault – saving settings to the registry.


Mesh before classification

Mesh after classification

CAD software Classification of Mesh 7

CAD drawing Classification of Mesh 8