nanoCAD Raster module

Eliminating image distortion

1. Add empty margins to the image from all sides. To do this, run the Change Size command (Ribbon: Raster>Modification>Change Size or Toolbar Raster>Change Size). In the Alignment/Margins box, add 5mm blank margins on four sides.

2. Click ОК.

3. Since the outer frame of the stamp is partially lost in the drawing, carry out the 4-point correction using the inner frame of the drawing. To do this, you need to adjust its dimensions.

4. Open the Options dialog box (Ribbon: Manage>Options or Toolbar Tools>Options). Open the Paper Formats section, highlight the ISO A4 format (210.00 x 297.00 mm) and click Modify.

5. In the dialog box that opens, enable the Internal Frame checkbox and set the dimensions for the internal frame of the A4 stamp (portrait orientation).

6. Click ОК in Modify paper format and click OK in the Options dialog.

7. Run the 4-point Correction (Ribbon: Raster>Modification>4 Point Correction or Toolbar Raster Modify>4 point Correction).

8. In the dialog box, select ISO A4 format, enable Use Internal Page Frame and set portrait orientation.

9. Click Measure Frame and consistently indicate the four corners of the internal frame.

10. Click ОК.
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